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My Mandarin is mediocre at best. I understand most of what they were saying and the meaning of this recording but some parts are beyond me. My guess is Miss Qin was secretly carrying voice recorder when the conversation took place. And the person she was talking to is her father.
I take a deep breath. And starts explaining to Ivan.
"Qin Yan and her father were arguing about the manufacturing of self-made guns. She thinks they should stop this business entirely since it's a losing proposition and their throwing too much manpower into it. And now there is no actual war that needs that many guns. Her father disagreed and say there is always a war, the difference is whether you see it or not. This is probably taking place a few years ago. My guess is three. "

"The second part is more recent. She mentioned y'all are angry about the guns and the many disrespectful acts. Mainly it's the same thing but her father mentioned something about sins, justice, and punishment out of nowhere. And you probably notice too. Her father sounds a bit delirious." Ivan nods slowly.

"The last part is probably recorded a few weeks ago. They were screaming at each other. The emperor was convinced that you guys are planning some 'all out attack' to conquer 'his empire' and...... he keeps mentioning his dead wife and brother for some reason, claiming they were behind it and 'they always want what's his'. Then he fucking escalates, shouting that he will strike first and slaughter all the weaklings and savages. He...... vows that he will kill all of you. In the end, they part on pretty bad terms."

I inhaled slowly and starts processing what the fuck that was. A few things are out of place:

1: In the first recording, I heard Nan's voice in the background.
2: Qin Yan has some very weird choice of words, she uses the word 'mute' like a swear word.
3: Some sentences make me feel like she's not talking to her father.
4: Her father uses 'Hanjian' instead of just using the word traitor. From my understanding, it roughly translates to the same meaning. But it's still a strange word to use.

"Wait. There's one more." Ivan press play again. This part is in full English.
"Mr.Ivan, I would like to further discuss this matter with you. I have a solution for the dilemma that all of us are facing right now. The place and time are your choices. You can bring as many men as you see fit. I'll only bring two." There's a pause before she continues.
"I know you have more reasons to kill me than speak to me, or you may suspect this is a setup. I have no means to assure you that I hold no ill intentions except for my words. If you wish to prevent meaningless bloodshed. Please consider this proposal." The recording stops.

"Fuck." Ivan says quietly.
            "That's an understatement." I take another swig. The bottle's about to be empty.
"Any possibilities that she fakes the whole thing? The recordings ?" Ivan takes a swig of his bottle too.
"We knew the old geezer's voice. As fuck up as the voice quality is. I think that's actually him. But that doesn't remove the possibility that she fake the whole thing to get you."
"It's meaningless to get me, isn't it? If I died, another will take my place before sunrise." Ivan says in a matter-of-fact tone.

It's true. That's how they operates, and that is why they always prevail in fights and gang wars. The reason la vina was in a stalemate with them for so long is that there is no simple solution to take down this organization, there's no absolute boss, and even the higher-ups can be replaced immediately if an assassination happens. It's like a hydra.

"Don't think she's up to kill you. Just to have you help her on whatever she's doing ........ Ivan, are you really going to....." He knows the words in my mouth before I otter.
"........Taking her offer would make me an idiot and a traitor.......but not taking it.......what do you think, little brother?"
           "Ha, what do I think? I think you're in the same position as I was. I despise them but circumstances force me to work with them. Hell, I could have refused them at the get-go but what was left of my conscience stopped me. Which puts me in this position so you........." I'm too familiar with that look.
"Ivan, I know what you're thinking."

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