Call me Lee

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          The merc shut up for a while.....too long for a person should be in the middle of a conversation. Let alone one such as this. Xiao's left hand is still on the throwing knives on her thigh in case he tries anything. She momentarily shifts her focus to Nan. He's also on guard.

          Before Missy starts explaining the obvious consequences of killing scouts. After he confessed to reading the message.
          For some time, his whole body language changed. Xiao has seen it too many times. Couldn't tell what exactly. Just an instinct, telling her this man is very dangerous right now.

           A soft voice scolds her in her mind. Telling her she should kill him when she had the chance.

          But as her fingertips clutched on the spine of her knife. She pictures how he will react, he held a cigarette with his right hand but used his left hand to draw his gun. Tricky, but doesn't matter. He's slower than me, but might still have some tricks up his sleeves. It doesn't matter. One on his joint can disarm him. And another one between his eyes......

          The image of the merc dead in Xiao's mind we're drawn. Blood covers half of his face, and drips down to the other half as he limps down on the wooden floor.........
           An unfamiliar feeling shadows her chest. The muscles near her heart tighten and tense up like an invisible hand squeezing it hard. A clawed hand grazing her varicose veins with its sharp, spike-like nails slowly putting pressure on the surface.

          What is this?

          The meeting continues, Nan and the merc slowly return to normal. So does Xiao, but the strange feeling leaves her puzzled about what it means.
           The merc begins a new round of probing, he kept on pushing to pry on pieces of information. But Missy resolved them perfectly, not slipping off anything of notice. The merc had noticed too, Xiao can see that he was growing tired of this. He stops for a minute, probably thinking about what else he got.

            She wasn't expecting that he would know anything about 'An Zhuang'. The information is very, very restricted, not many people in Piao Jie know about it. Fewer, outside of it. He says that he has tricked Xu Yu into thinking he was one of them before killing him. Whatever ways he used. Xiao has to admit.
He does his reputation justice.

             Xiao peaks in Missy's direction. And found She was shocked too. Besides her, Nan's all worked up, Xiao can see he's two inches from drawing his pistol. Before slowly backing down.
Strange. She had never seen him like this before. So unsure and nervous.
             Her focus returns to Missy as she speaks again. Warning him about the secrecy of this group.
             "I. Will. Kill. You."
           There it is again. The hand is gripping her heart harder than last time. The annoying feeling of pectoralis major tightening like it's trying to suffocate her. She can feel her heart pumps faster, circulations making blood rush through her veins all over her body.

           Out of the blue. It's gone.

           Not just the uneasy feeling. The clawed hand clasps her heart too. Leaving an empty feeling. Like it crushed her organs before disappearing. The unsettling hollowness makes Xiao feel as if she's not made out of flesh and bones, but papers and pulps.

           The image of the merc dead appears in her mind again. He looks funny with a hole in his forehead. His frontal bone shattered around the bullet hole. A small piece sticks out, looking extremely out of place. Not much blood and brain matters get the chance to leave his body as he falls backward into the canal.......

            Missy's order chased off the image. As the confrontation between them ends. Xiao was tasked to escort him out of the Jiu Lou. Finally.

FaustOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora