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Mu Qing blushed. 

Even though he and Feng Xin had been with each other for a few months, they had never bathed together. Either Mu Qing bathed by himself as Feng Xin went out to gather wood or rest on their bed, or Feng Xin bathed and Mu Qing would be cooking something up for dinner or he would be brewing tea by the table. 

They had never once made a move to help or bathe with each other, making this time a little awkward. Feng Xin gently scrubbed Mu Qing's back, wiping at that milky skin. When they compared their skin tone, it was quite a contrast.

Feng Xin had medium tan skin, making him look like he was a southerner. Mu Qing had pure and pearly skin, pale and fair. To "normal" people, it looked somewhat weird seeing a tan and pale person walking side by side in the market together, yet it wasn't something too out of the ordinary. Back when both of them were working for Xie Lian, Xie Lian had a skin tone that was right in between Mu Qing and Feng Xin. It was like they were all siblings, and Mu Qing and Feng Xin have off the vibe of two siblings who never got along. It was kind of funny to think about, and Mu Qing and Feng Xin chuckled over it from time to time. 

Now, Feng Xin scrubbed at Mu Qing's back. He moved Mu Qing's hair to the side any time it got in the way, and he continued to wipe at Mu Qing. 

"Hey. You're rubbing too hard," Mu Qing said, scrunching up his nose.

"No, I'm not. You're just weak," Feng Xin replied, scoffing and rubbing in another place. He turned Mu Qing around to clean his chest. Startled at the sudden movement, Mu Qing averted his gaze. His face turned redder than a grape tomato. Feng Xin squinted and knitted his eyebrows despite his blush. He focused and wiped Mu Qing's chest down. He got up and went back into the kitchen.

"Where are you going?" Mu Qing asked despite himself.

"Getting a bucket. I'm cleaning your head now," Feng Xin replied. As he said, he grabbed a small bucket and walked back over to the tub. Feng Xin scooped up some water and dumped it on Mu Qing without saying a word. 

"Djdockdjkdlejswaowp- What the hell?! Could you at least tell me before you dump water on me?!" Mu Qing exclaimed. His hair sat straight down, his bangs covering his face.

"Eh. You should have seen it coming," Feng Xin replied. He cleaned Mu Qing's head and scrubbed his hair. He continued to wipe and scrub, admiring every 5 seconds how beautiful his husband was.

"Cut the crap, stop staring," Mu Qing snapped, blushing.

"You're my husband. Am I not allowed to look at you?" Feng Xin replied, patting Mu Qing's head. Mu Qing squinted. Feng Xin finished up on Mu Qing and deemed him worthy of a clean martial god. "Wait for a bit. Let me get some clean clothes for you," Feng Xin finally said. Mu Qing nodded and wrapped his arms around himself. He watched as Feng Xin leaped up and searched the drawers on the opposite side of the room. At random intervals of time, Mu Qing and Feng Xin would find their clothes in their partner's drawers. Some pants would be in the drawers and the shirts would be in entirely different drawers. Feng Xin walked back after searching like a pirate looking for treasure and brought inner and outer robes for Mu Qing back.

"Done? Can I get out yet?" Mu Qing asked, slapping the water. Feng Xin nodded and swished his hand in a motion that mean come out. Mu Qing indeed got out. Feng Xin tossed a towel at him and set the clothes down on their bed for a moment. Feng Xin helped Mu Qing dry off. Feng Xin draped the inner robes over Mu Qing without a word and beckoned him to sit down. As Mu Qing sat down, Feng Xin tossed the towel over his head and vigorously scrubbed Mu Qing's hair to get it to dry off. Mu Qing cringed and after a while swatted Feng Xin's hands away.

Sitting in his inner robes, Mu Qing flicked Feng Xin's chestnut-colored bangs. They flapped like a dog's ears and Feng Xin narrowed his eyes.

"How did you have a son?" Mu Qing asked expressionlessly, lowering his hands. Feng Xin looked away, slightly shamefaced. He sat down on the bed, looking Mu Qing in the eye.

"I don't even know myself," Feng Xin said truthfully, holding eye contact with Mu Qing.

"Well... Could you at least tell me what kind of a relationship you had with that woman, Jian Lan?" Mu Qing asked, looking Feng Xin flatly in the eye.

"...if you are willing to listen," Feng Xin replied.

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