Undying Longing

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"A-Lian, what are you looking at?" Yulan asked as she crouched next to Lian.

Five years had passed, and Lian and Yulan were seventeen. Lian and Yulan were in Feng Xin and Mu Qing's forest, and Lian was crouching near a lotus pond. She had planted this pond with her own hands just a few years ago, and purple flowers were now blooming. There was a trace of a smile on Lian's face as she stared at the pond. Yulan and Lian were just taking a walk together when they had come across the pond.

"It grew," Lian mumbled. Yulan smiled helplessly and tugged at Lian's sleeve.

"Alright. Let's go," Yulan said. Lian hopped up and rose to her full height, still shorter than Yulan, but still tall. Lian smiled and walked beside Yulan.

All these years, Lian feared confessing to Yulan because she was an overthinker. What if she was rejected? What if things were awkward between them? Lian's love for Yulan only grew even more, so hot and scalding to the point where it was like it was burning her from the inside. Lian wanted so badly for Yulan to violently pin her to a wall and mercilessly kiss her. Yulan was still unaware, smiling and carefree.

Unbeknownst to Lian, Yulan loved Lian back. Yulan also liked her for as long as Lian had liked her, but neither of them knew the other's feelings. Yulan loved her little meimei, thinking her cute. She hated the fact that they had to part from each other once the day was done, envying her fathers. Hua Cheng and Xie Lian got to spend as much time as they wanted together, but why couldn't she? Alas, she was also afraid to confess. She was afraid of being rejected and losing Lian, her one love and best friend. 

Lian masked her love with aloofness, while Yulan masked hers with a carefree personality. The two of them liked to hang out in their male forms once in a while, but running was hard. They always had to watch where they put their legs, lest they fall to the ground in pain. 

-A-Lian. a voice in Lian's head said. It was Feng Xin, communicating with her through the communication array. Lian's head shot up as she placed two fingers on her temple.

-A-Die? What is it, I'm here. Lian said through the communication array. Feng Xin seemed to have chuckled.

-Lian-er, I have news for you. You're with Xiao-Yulan, aren't you? Feng Xin asked a hint of amusement in his voice. 

-Ah... yeah, what is it? Lian asked.

-I'll tell you when you get back. You can bring Xiao-Yulan to come visit if you want, but I have special news for you. Feng Xin said. He might have been smiling. Lian's brows knitted, but she didn't think too much on the subject.

"Oh... all right, A-Die. I'm coming back to the Heavenly Court now. Lian said. She cut off the communication array and turned to Yulan.

"My A-Die has something important to tell me, and I have to head back to the Heavenly Court. You can come too, I'd like it if you did,' Lian said. Yulan smiled exactly like her A-Die, Hua Cheng. That one grin-smile...

"All right. I'll come with," Yulan said. Lian nodded and summoned a draft of wind. She hopped onto it and pulled Yulan on too, the soft skin of the other's hand meeting for a few brief moments. Perhaps it was the trick of the light, but both of their faces seemed to be red.

After five more years of cultivating, Lian had successfully formed a powerful golden core. She always had her spiritual weapon Feng Xin forged for her, a golden whip in the form of a willow wine named Fenghuang ["Phoenix"]. Fenghuang could be summoned at any moment with a wave of Lian's hand, and she was happy with it. 

Lian was now very prominent in martial arts and cultivating all thanks to her baba, Mu Qing. Mu Qing had guided every flow of spiritual energy in her body when she was first learning, and now, she was able to manage on her own. She had accompanied her fathers on an occasional mission of vanquishing vengeful demons and eliminating complicated walking corpses, and she more or less knew exactly what to do in the situation of coming across one by herself. 

Now, Lian and Yulan were entering the Heavenly Court, flying southeast to Feng Xin's temple. As they neared the grand gates of Feng Xin's palace, they hopped off and pushed the doors open. Lian walked through the courtyard and once again pushed the doors open to Feng Xin's main hall. Feng Xin and Mu Qing were sitting by the large table, staring at each other as if they wanted to violently make out. Startled by the sounds, their heads snapped towards the door. There was Lian and Yulan, standing there. Mu Qing smiled and invited Yulan to sit.

"Xiao-Yulan, I haven't seen you in a while. You've grown a lot!" Mu Qing said with a welcoming expression on his face. He seemed to be in a good mood. Yulan smiled at him.

"Mu-qianbei, thanks for allowing me to stay over for a little bit!" Yulan said with a smile. Mu Qing inclined his head.

"It's nothing. A-Lian and you have known each other for years, after all. There's no problem with it," Mu Qing said. Lian and Yulan sat down next to Feng Xin and Mu Qing.

"So, A-Lian," Feng Xin said with a small smile. Lian moved her head to the side very slightly. 

"We got a call from the border between the Mortal Realm and Ghost Realm. There's been a disruption that may have been caused by vengeful ghosts of the wrath tier. We think it's enough for you to handle and maybe achieve your first Heavenly Tribulation. The civil gods have been bugged by this problem for a while, they just haven't found the right person to take the mission on," Feng Xin explained. "We think you're the best pick," Feng Xin finished. Lian stared at her fathers blankly for a second. One could see the obvious question mark floating above her head. It was taking a little bit to process this.

"So...a solo mission by myself, my very first major solo mission?" Lian mumbled. Mu Qing chuckled and nodded his head.

"Yes, A-Lian, your first major solo mission by yourself," Mu Qing said. Lian's eyebrows flew up to her hairline as she exclaimed in excitement. 

"Woah, really?! I-" Lian stuttered. Yulan chuckled beside her and patted her shoulder. 

"A-Lian, you're really lucky! I have to wish you the best of luck on your first mission," Yulan exclaimed, barely containing her happy smile. She was so happy for her beloved, so ecstatic.

"All you have to do is do what your Baba and I have been teaching you. Don't lose your composure or lose control of your breathing," Feng Xin said, chuckling at his daughter, who was as active as a fly right now. Lian beamed and barely contained her excitement, to the point where she nearly accidentally summoned Fenghuang. Yulan gently held her hand and smiled at Lian, making her blush.

"I believe in you, A-Lian. You'll finish this mission in no time!" Yulan exclaimed. Lian smiled at her back.

I won't disappoint you, A-Yu, Lian thought. After this, I'll confess my feelings to you. It won't matter. I will come back victorious.

*All right, all right, everyone who is reading must understand that this fanfic is quite literally going off the main rails of TGCF. If you already know how it ends, just... idk, indulge? I'm making this story as it goes, and not going along the plot of TGCF lol-  ~Lotus^^*

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