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Mu Qing and Feng Xin had absolutely no experience with parenting. 

Lian was a very good child, not crying when it was unnecessary. The first night they had her, Mu Qing and Feng Xin struggled because she was hungry and they didn't have food to provide her. 

"Goddammit I don't have actual fucking breasts," Mu Qing grumbled when he was woken by Lian's crying. It was the middle of the night. Feng Xin shifted.

"Maybe we should ask Lan Ning?" Feng Xin mumbled in a hoarse voice. Mu Qing nodded, then asked Lan Ning in the communication array what to do. She had told him to wait for a little bit. 

-Can't you summon milk? You're a heavenly official, Lan Ning said. She hadn't slept at all, she was awake while taking care of patients. 

-Oh... right... Mu Qing replied. -But wait, isn't it supposed to be a mother's milk?

-...general Xuan Zhen, do I have to remind you again..? Lan Ning said in a curious voice.

-Ah... right... thanks, Lan Ning. Mu Qing said.

-No problem. Lan Ning finished. They cut off the communication array. Feng Xin was sitting up on the bed, cradling Lian to get her to stop crying. 

"Did you figure it out?" Feng Xin asked. Mu Qing nodded.

"I guess I have to summon milk..." Mu Qing pondered aloud. He recited a silent incantation, and a bottle appeared in his hand. "Ah, so that's how it works," Mu Qing muttered. He took Lian from Feng Xin's arms and held her in one arm. He stared blankly for a moment and gently stuck the bottle into Lian's mouth. Lian immediately shut up and proceeded to drink the milk. She stared at her Baba above her with shining eyes as she drank the milk.

"Heh... hello, A-Lian," Mu Qing chuckled. Feng Xin smiled as he peered over Mu Qing's shoulder, staring curiously at Lian. 

"Mm... such nice eyes, gorgeous face, perfect nose, lovely lips... She is our child *cough* My child," Feng Xin muttered. Mu Qing's head snapped towards him as he shot him a glare.

"Who said you're beautiful? You're handsome, not beautiful. I'm beautiful," Mu Qing said, flipping his hair with one hand. Lian was already grabbing onto her bottle, holding it with a surprising amount of strength, so Mu Qing was free to flip his hair as much as he liked.

"Hehe, hubby called me handsome. She at least still looks like me, doesn't she?" Feng Xin kept on blabbering.

"Yes, yes. She is our child," Mu Qing said with an annoyed expression, rolling his eyes.

Lian finished her bottle, and she was just staring at her fathers, at a loss and curious. 

"Wah, you're pretty sharp for a newborn, aren't you? It's like you're a five-month-old," Feng Xin quietly marveled. Mu Qing nodded, silently agreeing. Feng Xin reached out a hand to feel at her wrist to check for a golden core.

"No golden core... but she's insanely smart," Feng Xin muttered. Lian's eyes drooped, and she soon fell asleep in Mu Qing's arms. 

"What... do I do now?" Mu Qing asked, helpless.

"Hold her while we sleep. There shouldn't be a problem," Feng Xin said. Mu Qing and Feng Xin got comfortable, and Lian stayed soundly asleep. They pulled the bed sheets over themselves and fell asleep.


It was indeed harder than Feng Xin and Mu Qing thought.

Mu Qing sewed a total of six diapers, but they only lasted for a day. It seemed plenty, but there was night, too. After day five, Mu Qing and Feng Xin were at a loss, completely ignorant of what they should do.

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