For You

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As the cool night breeze blew through Lian's slightly ajar window, it blew stray strands of Yulan's hair onto her nose. On impulse, she rubbed it as she let out a tiny sneeze, and opened her eyes.

Yulan was asleep on the ground next to Lian's bed, with a small pillow and a blanket that Mu Qing made for her because he knew she would sleep right next to the bed on the floor. The ground was naturally cold as it was marble, so Mu Qing weaved the blanket a little thicker than usual. Yulan was moved by his consideration and kindness and would love it if he were her father-in-law. Moonlight pooled through the round window, casting silver beams onto the ground like sword glares. 

The years she spent by the unconscious Lian's side were painful. She usually didn't leave Lian's bedside, but when she did, she made sure to never be gone for too long. She couldn't explain it, but it stressed her out when she left Lian alone. Perhaps it was because she regretted not being by Lian's side when she was stabbed. 

Compared to the girl that collapsed years ago, Lian had blossomed into a young woman. Her features were youthful, with the shadow of both Feng Xin and Mu Qing in her. Her jade-like skin was soft to the touch, and her hair was as long as Yulan's will to marry her. Back when they were younger, they never really talked about the future or made any long-term promises. It just seemed like Lian and Yulan were living in the moment only, not having a care for tomorrow. That all changed once they got older and started to know how the world worked. 

Both Yulan and Lian used to promise each other that they'd be together until the end of the age when the world broke apart. They would protect and care for one another forever.

It seemed like a normal friendship between the two, but every promise they made to each other had hidden meaning. I will protect you- 'I want to be with you forever' You're the best friend that I've ever had in my life- 'I like/love you' Of course. I won't let anything happen to you- 'Don't you dare love anybody else in this life'. 

Lying on her side, Yulan stared at the foot of Lian's bed. This scene was all too familiar, with her having to sleep on the ground while watching over Lian. She wanted Lian to have the entire bed to herself because she respected the fact that there wasn't anything going on between them yet, but there was a faint sense of longing for Lian's warmth. It hurt Yulan, but she had endured for two years. Another day wouldn't be much.

Impatient and bored, Yulan sat up and looked over Lian's bed. She was shocked and confused to see that there was nobody on the bed. 

Poor Yulan was half-awake, and this had snapped her to her senses. She began to panic, frantically looking around for Lian. This couldn't have happened. Lian was still unconscious, she couldn't have just vanished into thin air, unless...

Unless Lian was awake.

A flurry of strong emotions hit Yulan in the face, and she jumped to her feet. She pulled a thin outer robe over herself and tied it while rushing out the rosewood doors of Lian's bedroom. She looked down the hallway and ran, eyes shining with hope and anticipation. 



Wouldn't she have struggled to get out of bed, especially when Yulan was sleeping on the ground? 

Yulan violently shook her head. She summoned a bright flame of spiritual energy and held it in her palm as she ran. How could Yulan not notice that Lian was awake? Where the hell would Lian be going at a time like this? Why didn't Lian wake her up?

The main thing that Yulan had to think about was where Lian would have gone. Yulan needed to find where Lian was right now. It was out of her selfish desire, but the love and affection that was frozen under a lake's surface finally surged and bloomed again in Yulan's chest. Tears welled up in her eyes. She had not experienced this kind of strong feeling save for when Lian was stabbed, and her heart ached once more. 


Please. Where are you? Please don't play me like this. I need to see you, I need you.

For two years, your Baba and A-Die have suffered much... and so did I. Please don't leave again, not when I haven't seen you awake yet. Please show yourself.

I need you.

Yulan burst through the doors of Feng Xin's garden. That was the first place that she thought Lian might have been because she couldn't go far. Just as she hoped, a figure bathed in silver moonlight was standing beneath the large and old willow tree. Yulan panted, not from exhaustion, but from hope and desire. 

The person was wearing a simple set of white inner robes over her thin body, and her long hair fell loose over her back and shoulders. She was supporting herself with a stray willow vine, and her black eyes shone with wetness as she turned to Yulan. Of course, this was Lian.

Yulan let out a sob as she stumbled towards Lian. Tears welled up in her eyes, blurring her vision. Why was it that when she had finally met the woman she loved awake and well, and she couldn't see her? Yulan hated herself for this, hated her softness. She wanted to run to Lian and take her into her arms as she repeated Lian's name over and over again until she received a response from the familiar voice from dreams. Alas, the only thing she could do was trip over herself as she tried her hardest to rush towards her love, her one, her beautiful Lian.

Lian shakily stepped towards Yulan. Her desire for Yulan was equal to Yulan's desire, and she wanted too badly to run to Yulan. She cursed the fact that these stupid limbs of hers weren't working to her demand. She shook it off and walked to Yulan with the best of her ability. She hadn't gotten far when she stumbled, but she forced herself to go to Yulan. Tears rolled down her cheeks. She had finally seen Yulan again after the two painful years her soul was in the Heavenly Official Afterlife. 

The two young women struggled to each other, and strength finally came back to Yulan. She flew to Lian and took her into her arms. She sobbed and sobbed as she buried her face in Lian's hair. That familiar scent, that familiar warmth. At last, she had received it again. 

Lian grasped Yulan close to her and cried into Yulan's chest. She had missed her so much. Yulan had grown and matured to a terrifying extent, to the point where she was nearly unrecognizable. She had grown much taller, her chest became much fuller, and she had an air of strength and calmness. Her face still bore a hint of beautiful youthfulness, but she looked like a woman now. 

"A-Lian... A-Lian..." Yulan sobbed. Lian held Yulan. The both of them were inseparable, clinging on like vines to each other. In the time that Lian was with Shi Wudu and Ming Yi, she hadn't even gotten the chance to see Yulan. It hurt to have her so much.

"Yu-er..." Lian cried, burrowing herself further into Yulan's arms. 

Moments passed, and Yulan pulled herself away to gaze at Lian's face, which was streaked with tears. She held Lian's face with one hand, the other hand holding Lian close to her. Lian leaned her face into her hand and held it. An impulse seized Lian.

Lian pulled Yulan's face in to kiss her.

*-laughs awkwardly- I kinda lied when I said that I was gonna take a break- I got a lil excited ngl*

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