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It was indeed as if lightning struck on a clear day. Feng Xin and Mu Qing were equally surprised. 

Feng Xin tensed up, muttering under his breath. Mu Qing's eyes widened and his body trembled. It wasn't Lan Ning's first time pronouncing someone... pregnant, but it was General Xuan Zhen who got pregnant. She nearly lost her composure, but she breathed evenly. 

"I would like to give my congrats to you, generals. I... I'm surprised it even worked..." Lan Ning said. She looked like she had found the cure for cancer, her face bright and impressed. Feng Xin zoned out and his breathes came quickly. Mu Qing was practically hyperventilating by now. He gripped his robes hard, at a loss. After a while, Feng Xin calmed down a centimeter and mustered up the courage and words to ask. 

"So... Miss Lan Ning... how will this work? After all... he's a man..." Feng Xin stuttered. Lan Ning looked deep in thought. 

"I'll have to do some research. There might be absolutely no records of this ever happening to... men other than Xie Lian Dianxia and General Xuan Zhen... but I'll have my palace take care of it. I'll make the most solid and logical conclusions. They're likely to be true, so I'll try my best..." Lan Ning said after a while of thought. "But not totally. I'd say about... eighty percent?" She finished. Feng Xin nodded.

"That's enough. At least it's the majority." Feng Xin replied. He was still as shocked as before, with wide eyes like he was traumatized. Mu Qing's eyes were equally as wide, and he was trembling all over.

"I..." Mu Qing started, raising a hand to run through his hair. "A child..." He stuttered. Lan Ning cocked her head to the side, looking deep in thought again. 

"I extend my congratulations to you generals. I will have to take my leave now if you would like the conclusions made of General Xuan Zhen's... male pregnancy. It won't take long," Lan Ning promised. Feng Xin snapped out of whatever daze he was in and trembled as he went to see Lan Ning out. Lan Ning bowed as she walked away and disappeared. Feng Xin closed the large doors and staggered back to Mu Qing's side. He pulled a chair to sit right in front of Mu Qing. Mu Qing was gripping the table hard, and the table looked as if it would break if he held it any longer. Seeing this, Feng Xin gently took Mu Qing's hand into his own. Both men were trembling from head to toe, shuddering from mixed emotions. 

"Father... I'm going to be a father..." Mu Qing muttered over and over again. Feng Xin was an illegitimate father himself, but Cuocuo was ugly and dead asf. His child, who was currently nestled inside of Mu Qing was alive, so the child would be his primary responsibility. 

Feng Xin couldn't believe that, after a night of drunken bliss and carelessness, a child would have been the result. At first, he thought of it as a mistake. Then, he remembered that Mu Qing would be the one bearing his child. A whole torrent of mixed emotions crashed into him, but most of all, he was ecstatic. Mu Qing was nervous, wondering if he would get through the pregnancy and birth. 

"A-Qing..." Feng Xin said. Mu Qing looked up at him, eyes watery. 

"My child... our child..." Mu Qing stuttered. A tear slipped out of his eye. 

It was rare to see Mu Qing cry, and when he did, he emptied all of his emotions then and there. He would sob and do things that he never looked like he would do. Feng Xin pulled Mu Qing into a tight embrace as he teamed up too. Mu Qing let out silent sobs.

"I'm happy... so happy..." Mu Qin admitted through suppressed sobs. Feng Xin held him and silently dealt with it, tears slipping out of his eyes from time to time. He buried his face into Mu Qing's hair, breathing in his scent. 

"Me too. Me too..." Feng Xin said.


After a while of holding each other and crying, the two calmed down. They fumbled around, trying to figure out ways to take care of the child and balance their jobs as heavenly officials at the same time. Lan Ning contacted Feng Xin and Mu Qing through a communication array, surprising them.

-Generals. Lan Ning said. The two generals pressed their fingers to their heads as they contacted Lan Ning.

-Oh. Lan Ning. Mu Qing said. Lan Ning seemed to have chuckled on the other side.

-Generals, I have some things to schedule. I will have to ask my generals if I can come in to check on General Xuan Zhen every few weeks, to observe and see if things are running smoothly. The only pregnancies that I've dealt with are with women, and mostly mortal women at that, so a lot of observing will have to be made. Lan Ning said, her voice calm and collected.

-Permission granted. Mu Qing said. A silent agreement was passed between Feng Xin and Mu Qing.

-You can come every few weeks, just inform us at least a day or so in advance. Feng Xin said.

-Thank you, generals. Lan Ning said.

-We have to thank you. Feng Xin said politely. 

-It's nothing. I'm still in the process of research. You and Xie Lian Dianxia are with children at the same time, so it's kind of hard to see. The strongest guess I can make is that this male pregnancy will be shorter than the average woman's, at seven months instead of nine. Lan Ning said thoughtfully. She was damn smart.

-...wow. Feng Xin had nothing to say.

-Ah... shorter... but will it be a problem? Mu Qing asked. His brows ruffled slightly.

-No. The child's development will just be faster, that's all. You're a god and a martial god at that. I presume that the child won't be fatally affected. Lan Ning replied. 

-Well... ah... thanks, Miss Lan Ning. Mu Qing said. Lan Ning cut off the communication array first. She might have had a lot of things to do, considering she was a medical god. 

There were so many things to prepare and think about. The two men had absolutely no experience in parenting. It wasn't even clear if the child would be born as a mortal or if the kid would be born with a golden core already. 

"Let's just raise them as a mortal," Feng Xin suggested. Mu Qing couldn't make presumptions himself, so he agreed.

"...yeah. If the child is born without a golden core, it could be fun to train them. It'd be like when we cultivated our own..." Mu Qing said. He mumbled that last line with a gentle smile.

"It the child would be born with a golden core... that's kind of just taking the fun out of it. Still, we could just help them prepare for the next stages and ascension," Feng Xin said, chucking. 

...it seemed like they were talking a little too far into the future and not about how raising the child would be. Skill issue.

*cough cough COUGH yeah*

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