So Far

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*another TW just in case<3*

Yulan felt like all her sanity flew out the window. The girl she loved was stabbed and collapsed right in front of her. She steeled herself and leaped into the black waters of the sea. She swam with all her might to the shore. Cold water soaked through her robes, but she didn't care. Yulan's only goal was to get to Lian right now. 

It didn't take Yulan too long to reach the shore. She had defied her fathers' expectations and gone to Lian without telling them or saying a word. As was expected of everyone else, though, as they were in equal disbelief. She didn't notice Feng Xin and Mu Qing leaping into the cold water after she did just to get to their daughter, as she was too occupied with the fact that she needed to hold Lian in her arms. 

As Yulan dragged herself onto the shore, coughing, she rushed over to Lian. Lian's eyes were closed, and Yulan screamed. She pulled Lian into her arms, cradling her. 

"A-Lian, A-Lian, please... please wake up," Yulan begged, tears streaming down her face. He Xuan moved to strike Yulan, but a burst of qi blasting straight towards him caught him off guard. He flew many kilometers away, flying into the forest. The blast was from Feng Xin as he rushed to Lian's side, hands hovering over Lian's wounds as he tried to pass as much healing spiritual energy to her as possible. Cold sweat streaked down his face as tears slowly gathered in his eyes.

"A-Lian... please... you are strong. I believe in you, your baba believes in you, just please, open your eyes," Feng Xin forced out through clenched teeth. Mu Qing soon appeared by Feng Xin's side, taking Lian into his arms from Yulan as he passed his most potent spiritual energy to her. Tears streaked down his and Yulan's faces as he pressed a hand to Lian's body, passing spiritual energy to her as well. The efforts of Feng Xin and Mu Qing seemed to be helping, as the demonic poison was leaving Lian's body in strings of black qi floating up and away from her body. Lian's eyes remained closed, however, and cold sweat still dotted her forehead. Blood slowly ran from the side of her mouth as her skin paled. Yulan shuddered, and tears only fell on her face faster.

"A-Lian, A-Lian, please! Please, open your eyes, look at us..." Yulan forced through sobs. Just then, Lian's fingers twitched. Her lashes fluttered as she slowly opened her eyes. 

Everything was blurry to Lian as if her vision had decreased immensely. Slowly, she elevated her head to look at the faces around her. She saw the beautiful contours of Yulan's face, the handsome and relatively youthful faces of her fathers, and the face of Ling Wen peering down at her. Pei Ming was over by Shi Qingxuan's side, and she heard muffled voices. A warm hand closed over both of hers.

"A-Lian...?" Yulan mumbled as she held Lian's hands. Lian blearily blinked once.

"A-Yu? Baba? A-Die..." Lian mumbled under her breath. She coughed up another mouthful of blood.

"Shit! A-Qing, her wounds aren't closing!" Feng Xin yelled, passing more spiritual energy to Lian. Mu Qing clenched his teeth as he passed spiritual energy into Lian's body along with Feng Xin. More blood seeped through Lian's robes like a crimson rose blooming amidst pure snow. 

"A-Lian, hold on. We'll heal you in no time, just don't close your eyes!" Mu Qing exclaimed. Despite his own words, a tear fell from the edge of his eye. Yulan held Lian's cooling hand tightly as if she was holding her whole world within them. Probably because she was.

"...A-Yu..." Lian breathed, voice as light as a mosquito buzz. Yulan's body jerked, and she lowered her head close to Lian. 

"A-Lian, I'm here," Yulan said through sobs. Lian cupped Yulan's face with one hand.

"A-Yu, did you know? I... I've always..." Lian hesitated. She coughed up more blood, whether from strong emotions, or the pain in her chest and abdomen.

"What is it, A-Lian? What do you need to say? I'm listening, I will always listen," Yulan said, choking back sobs.

"A-Yu... I've always loved you..." Lian said, tears streaking her face. Yulan cried out. She had waited for this moment for who knows how long, how many years. Yulan always wished that one day, after a long day of practicing cultivation or martial arts together, Yulan would pull Lian into a forest and confess her feelings there. In a beautiful scenery, just the two of them, the future unknown. She would have never thought that they would confess their feelings to each other in a high chance-of-death situation, with Lian's parents right there and cradling Lian. Xie Lian was right there, too, and Hua Cheng was not a large distance away. Pei Ming didn't pay any attention, but it didn't matter. Why would, after all this time, the two young women finally confess their feelings to each other, when the other young woman was on the brink of death?

"A-Lian, oh A-Lian..." Yulan sobbed, emotions pooling out of her at that moment. "A-Lian... I also love you," Yulan finished, tears streaking down her face. She stroked Lian's hair, taking shaky breaths. She pressed her moist lips against Lian's lips, taking the initiative after all these years. She pulled away after a few moments, silently crying. Lian closed her eyes and brightly smiled, the only light in the darkness around her. Feng Xin and Mu Qing stayed silent, and Xie Lian was moved to tears. Lian let out a very gentle laugh, her voice riding the cold wind. Just then, bursts of pain ripped through her torso.

"I love you," Lian mumbled. To her fathers, to Yulan, to anyone who would listen. She closed her eyes and took a long breath. Soon, that breath was let go, as gentle as spring wind. That breath disappeared, and nothing, not even a small wisp of air from her lungs, came after that. She had breathed her last.

The beauty of the world was vast, and Lian had yet to see it all. She was just a mere young lady, on her first mission without her fathers. Yet that mission had taken everything from her. The plants would forever grow in spring, but Lian seemed to never see the light of day ever again. 

Amid the pained wails of Yulan and Lian's fathers, a golden light flashed. It engulfed Lian, lifting her from the strong arms of Mu Qing. Lian was bathed in golden light streaming from the Nine Heavens, in her glory. The wind blew everywhere, flapping her robes and long hair. Bells rang, and gongs sounded. Voices singing in a heavenly chorus came from everywhere, casting a glorious ambiance. Looking up, everyone was familiar with this sight.

Lian was ascending.

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