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Lian dusted off the shelves of the house, sneezing every once in a while. She had settled in with Shi Wudu and Ming Yi and did daily chores with Ming Yi. An unknown amount of time had passed, and Lian didn't even know how much time passed in the mortal realm. Both Shi Wudu and Ming Yi were very nice and patient with Lian. Perhaps it was the fact that both of them knew they were dead and let go of their grudges, but they seemed to want to stay as normal people. This was the opposite of how Lian expected Shi Wudu to be, as his old title was "Water Tyrant".

Ming Yi was organizing piles of books on a shelf, and he turned to Lian once he was done. She was still holding a blackened cloth, rubbing her nose. His brows ruffled and he approached her. She looked at him with bright eyes and was about to open her mouth and ask Ming Yi if he needed anything, but he took her wrist. Ming Yi pressed and rubbed a few times, perhaps checking for a pulse. 

Here, in the land where deceased heavenly officials" souls were sent to rest, there was no such thing as a pulse. That only really applied to people who were on the brink of death and their souls temporarily moved to this land. Ming Yi suddenly felt a gentle burst of yang energy from Lian's body, and he went to check on her. Just as he expected, there was a very slow and faint pulse when he felt Lian's wrist. His eyebrows raised slightly in astonishment. 

"Feng Lian..." Ming Yi said, lightly nodding his head. On perfect timing, Shi Wudu walked through the door with freshly cut bamboo over his shoulder. He glanced at Ming Yi and Lian, who were standing so close to each other. Ming Yi was clutching Lian's wrist in astonishment, and a faint burst of yang energy hit Shi Wudu straight in the face. He blinked a few times and lightly shook his head. He walked over to the pair, staring at Lian.

"...Feng Lian, you'll be waking soon," Shi Wudu said. Lian's eyes widened. Was she going to see Yulan and her fathers again?!

As if he saw through her thoughts, Ming Yi said, "It won't be too soon. It will just be a little more  but you will indeed wake."

Lian barely contained the smile on her face as she beamed. She felt a sense of nostalgia and longing, and she wanted to see those that she loved at that moment. She wanted to make up for the time that she was unconscious, and she wanted to formally become Yulan's lover. She wanted to live her life as a heavenly official, occasionally going on missions and coming home to a loving family. Lian didn't even really know what kind of god she ascended as, but it better have been a martial god.

Lian placed the dusty cloth back onto the shelf that she was dusting and turned to look out the window. It was beautiful here, like paradise, but true paradise was with those that she loved.


Mu Qing walked through the hallways of Feng Xin's temple, lost in thought. Too much had happened while Lian was in her coma. The huge war with all of the heavenly officials, him having to sew more blankets for the growing Lian, and having to deal with his emotions. Feng Xin was walking in the garden, tending to his lotus flowers, and Yulan was in Lian's room like she always was.

Lian's twentieth birthday had just passed, the time when she came of age. Once again, everyone celebrated silently with a comatose body. Who knew how much Yulan's longing for Lian had grown, and how many tears Yulan had shed for Lian? 

Mu Qing walked into Feng Xin's room, across from Lian's room. He looked at the rosewood doors of Lian's room for a moment, then closed the door behind him. Mu Qing sat down at the table in the middle of the room and poured himself some tea. After drinking a few cups, he noticed a small lotus-shaped bronze incense burner off to the far edge of the table. He stared at it. He didn't remember the incense burner being there the last time he went into the room. Mu Qing pulled the bronze incense burner to himself and scrutinized it. It seemed to be expertly crafted, the detail on the petals very defined and realistic. He flicked it with a finger, and a clear ping sound filled the room. He turned the teacup in his hand and stared at the incense burner. Then, Feng Xin opened the door and walked in.

"What's this?" Mu Qing asked Feng Xin. Feng Xin scratched the back of his neck. 

"It's an incense burner that Ling Wen gave us. She said that we should calm down and relax even if it's just for a little bit because of A-Lian. She said that we looked stressed out and under the weather after A-Lian lost consciousness." Feng Xin. His eyes were downcast as he mentioned Lian. A flash of sadness appeared in Mu Qing's eyes for a moment, then he looked away, dazed. 

"Uh... incense came with it," Feng Xin continued. Mu Qing broke out of his daze and looked back up at Feng Xin. Feng Xin walked over and sat down next to Mu Qing. Their gazes met, and a feeling of longing overcame them. Without another word, Feng Xin put a small amount of incense into the incense burner. A small flame materialized on Feng Xin's fingers, and he gently touched the interior of the incense burner. Soon, a sweet scent filled the room. Mu Qing slowly breathed, calming his senses. 

"What kind of incense is it? It smells quite sweet," Mu Qing asked, placing his teacup down. Feng Xin leaned back into his seat.

"Ling Wen didn't say. She just said that it might help us out," Feng Xin replied with a small smile. Mu Qing nodded. He raised an eyebrow.

"Did Ling Wen... did she even give us incense?" Mu Qing asked as he felt his face burn with a blush. Feng Xin slowly looked at him, coming to a realization. Feng Xin's face was a deep shade of red, and his brows knitted as he tried to suppress himself of a strange emotion. 

"Well dammit," Feng Xin muttered under his breath.

*short chapter, but I haven't updated in a while. Yargh~*

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