My Only One

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*title based on one of my fav songs<3*

Hobbling around with a large stomach was truly... hard. 

Mu Qing was approaching his fifth month, only two months away until he was due. His back hurt like hell, and some days he would just lay in bed staring at the ceiling. Feng Xin would take good care of him on those days, knowing exactly what he wanted and needed. Mu Qing felt very grateful to have a husband like Feng Xin. 

Today, Mu Qing decided to summon all of his will to live to drag himself out of bed for a walk. Feng Xin was outside, gardening. Yes, gardening. For once, he was taking care of his plants. He was channeling a little bit of spiritual energy into the lotuses and haitang trees. Mu Qing pulled on Feng Xin's largest outer robes to try to cover himself, then lightly tied them. He then pulled on his boots and hobbled outside. Feng Xin was very immersed and focused as he held a hand-woven basket that Mu Qing made while he picked blooming haitang branches and red lotus flowers. Those two plants weren't the only ones in the garden, they were just considered his favorite. He knew Mu Qing favored forget-me-not flowers, so he decided to plant them a while back. The bush was now flourishing with flowers, so he picked a few branches from that too. 

Mu Qing smiled, seeing his husband pick flowers and channel spiritual energy into some plants while he was at it. He stealthily approached Feng Xin and embraced him from behind. Sure, Feng Xin was a martial god, but he could get startled once in a while too. He nearly jumped out of fright when he felt arms wrap around his waist, but when he felt those familiar hands and strong arms, he cooled down. Feng Xin smiled and turned around. There were some times when Feng Xin and Mu Qing would genuinely smile at each other, and this was one of those times. 

"Sit with me," Mu Qing said with a gentle smile. Feng Xin nodded, returning the smile, as they walked under the willow tree* in Feng Xin's garden. *Willow trees are a symbol of friendship and longing, and it's a homonym for the word for stay in Chinese. [I think]

There was a cherry wood bench under the sweeping curtains of the willow tree, clean and shiny. Feng Xin set down his straw basket and helped Mu Qing sit down. Mu Qing was indeed in a good mood, and he placed one of Feng Xin's hands on his stomach.  Not even five seconds later, Mu Qing felt a gentle kick.

"Seems that they like A-Die better," Feng Xin chuckled. Mu Qing scoffed. "Joking, joking. Of course, they would love baba, they're inside of him," Feng Xin continued. Mu Qing rolled his eyes and blushed. 

"Whatever." Mu Qing scoffed. Feng Xin hugged Mu Qing to himself. 

"You smell good," Feng Xin said, sniffing Mu Qing. Mu Qing had a preposterous expression on his face, but let Feng Xin sniff his fill. Mu Qing looked up at the towering branches of the willow tree. The branches caressed the ground, loathing to part. Focusing on his breathing, Mu Qing admired the beauty of having a loved one with you, the both of you alone in your spot. It was nothing to be taken for granted, as you only live once [probably]. 

Mu Qing closed his eyes and took a deep breath. The faint scent of lotus and haitang flowers wafted through the air, and the strongest scent was of Feng Xin's. He smelled like... grass.

"What the hell, did you roll around in grass or something? You smell weird," Mu Qing asked, slightly flabbergasted. 

"Ah..." Feng Xin mumbled, raising his head a little. He didn't know how to answer.

The truth was, Feng Xin didn't roll around in the grass, he was up early and had nothing to do but lay in the grass watching the sky. He didn't want to wake Mu Qing, so he simmered in his thoughts. Feng Xin wasn't too good with words so he didn't know how to phrase it.

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