EXTRA 2: Become Mine

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Part 1: Preparation? I know her. pt2

"Alright, A-Lian, everything is finished," Mu Qing said, shaking out his sore arms. Parting her rouge-painted lips, Lian shook out her abnormally long red sleeves. Her head felt heavy with the huge golden headdress that Mu Qing had finished setting on her head, and her neck hurt from the effort of keeping something so heavy on her head. She tried her best, as she knew that both Mu Qing and Feng Xin had worked hard on this golden phoenix headdress. She turned around to face everyone else who was cleaning up, and Mu Qing silently marveled at the sight of his beautiful red-clad daughter. 

Lian's wedding robes were very long, the back of her dress extending over five meters. They were embroidered with golden phoenixes and intricate lotus designs, not to forget that Mu Qing made this all by himself. Lian asked Mu Qing to tie her hair up with the hairpin that he and Feng Xin made for her, and after many minutes of begging, Mu Qing pursed his lips and did what he was asked. The jade hairpin stood out among the golden headdress of hers, and she looked nothing like the martial god she ascended as. Lan Ning left early, as she volunteered to be the matchmaker. Mu Qing straightened some creases on Lian's robes, then he stepped back and gazed at his daughter.

"Baba, do I look alright?" Lian asked, bearing through the weight on her head.

"Not just alright. Perfect. Beautiful. The best young woman I have seen in my life," Mu Qing replied, tears nearly gathering in his eyes. Seeing his daughter now, almost getting married, ruthlessly reminded him of that day over two decades ago, when he prepared for his wedding. He sighed and shook his head.

"I'll show you how to hold yourself so that you don't fall or look embarrassing," Mu Qing said, stepping over to Lian and setting her arms into a position near her abdomen.

"Hold your hands here. It makes you look elegant." Mu Qing said. He flicked Lian's slightly hunched back scoffing. "Stand up straight. Bad posture looks terrible for a bride." On instinct, Lian immediately straightened and pressed her lips into a flat line. 

"Be sure to watch your step and where you are walking. Your shoes alone took me two weeks to finish, and I'll be damned if you ruin them or trip in them," Mu Qing muttered. The golden beads on Lian's headdress tinkled as she turned to look at herself in the mirror. She couldn't recognize herself, not knowing who that beautiful woman was in the mirror. Rouge lips, powdered makeup, black lined eyes. She looked like someone from a painting, more specifically someone from a painting of Hua Cheng's hand.

"Right, before I forget, we've finished preparing your dowry. I asked some deputy generals to carry it all in for the procession. Do you want to take a look at the dowry?" Mu Qing asked, sweeping some stray hair over Lian's shoulder. 

"I want it to be a surprise. I'll look at it once the wedding is over," Lian replied, softly smiling. A female official approached them, also smiling.

"General, young lady, they are ready. Let's start the procession," The female official said. Excitement and nervousness lurched in Lian's chest, and her eyes averted downward.

"A-Lian. Let me put your veil on you," Mu Qing said as he extended his arm. Soon, the world was cloaked in a hazy red shade, and Lian looked up. Mu Qing's eyes were soft as he gazed at his daughter. He let out a silent sigh and embraced her shoulders. Lian's eyes teared up as she embraced her Baba back. Mu Qing pulled away and wiped some wetness away from his eyes and held Lian's face through her veil.

"My daughter. I'm so proud of you," Mu Qing said, his voice nasal. The first thing that raced through Lian's mind was WHAT? Baba just told me he was proud of me, right? Am I going deaf???

"Alright. I will go ahead now. Remember what I told you about your posture," Mu Qing said. With a flick of his sleeves, he disappeared into the air. It seemed like the teleportation array was working fine. Why couldn't Lian just use the teleportation array instead of walking so far? Her feet would be dead by the time she arrived at Feng Xin's temple. 

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