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*I'm just spinning my own storyline/plot, so don't be too alarmed if these aren't canon*

Ling Wen cleared her throat. Jun Wu would have looked as composed as ever if it wasn't for a slight wrinkle of his brow. The heavenly officials were already slightly disturbed by this, but Ling Wen's next words would shock them even more.

"There has been a trail/whiff of Black Water Demon He Xuan. We have not had one for years, and we've finally gotten a hint. It is not yet clear, and my palace is currently working hard to discern it. It may take a few years, around 17 to be exact, but if my lords see anything, please report it immediately. We also suspect that former Wind Master Shi Qingxuan is with him, so please, keep an eye out. This is all I have to say, and if my lords have any questions, please ask them now," Ling Wen finished. This message left the heavenly officials appalled, and tension grew in the air. A heavenly official spoke up.

"Isn't Lord Wind Master mortal now? How has he survived thus?" The heavenly official asked. Ling Wen looked up from the scroll that she was holding.

"Yes, he indeed is mortal. We have found some records that Lord Wind Master has not been killed by Black Water Demon. We are not too sure, but we are suspecting that he is alive," Ling Wen replied. The heavenly official that asked nodded. Mu Qing lightly cocked his head to the side.

"Hmm... I thought he died long ago..." Mu Qing wondered aloud. Xie Lian looked sorrowful. Feng Xin crossed his arms and looked up. 

"Is there anything else anyone would like to say?" Ling Wen asked. The heavenly officials muttered to themselves,  but nobody else stepped up. Ling Wen nodded to herself and closed her scroll. "All right, then. You are all dismissed," she ended. She stood beneath Jun Wu's throne, waiting until everyone left. Feng Xin, Mu Qing, and Xie Lian stayed where they were and turned to each other. 

"Can Crimson Rain Sought Flower know where Black Water is?" Feng Xin asked Xie Lian.

"San Lang doesn't care what Black Water does. People shouldn't meddle in the affairs of others, and I guess it applies to top-tier ghosts too. I'm not sure whether San Lang knows the exact location of Black Water," Xie Lian replied. Feng Xin nodded. They watched as all the heavenly officials filed out the large doors, indulging in quiet chatter while they were at it. The little group of three continued to stare at the receding crowd when Ling Wen approached them. Up close, she had bags under her eyes. As usual, it seemed as if she was working hard on this case. Clutching the scroll in her hands, she quietly walked to them. 

"Hey, Ling Wen! So you've finally found something about Wind... Shi Qingxuan. Will it take  17 years for the trail to be cleared?" Xie Lian asked, a little concerned. Ling Wen nodded, blearily blinking her eyes.

"Yeah. It sure is gonna take a little while, but we're trying to go as fast as we can and find as many sources as possible. But right now... there's little to none. We've got a long way to go," Ling Wen replied. 'Well... I hope I get enough sleep in the next 17 years or I'm sure to drop dead', she muttered under her breath. Xie Lian laughed awkwardly.

"Well, I wish you and your palace the best of luck. Who knows where Black Water Demon would go in the next 17 years..." Xie Lian said, looking thoughtful. Ling Wen nodded and walked out of the doors. Jun Wu glanced at them and disappeared through a hidden chamber behind his throne. Now that all three of them were alone, they decided to walk out together through the vacant doors. 

"Well, since you're already here, why not invite that Crimson Rain Sought Flower of yours over to our home for dinner? Might as well," Mu Qing said. Even though neither Feng Xin nor Mu Qing would admit it, they were slowly warming up to Hua Cheng. 

"Hmm, all right! You guys are cooking, right...? I'll just help with washing the dishes," Xie Lian said, giving an awkward smile. 

"Yeah. A-Qing's cooking," Feng Xin said nonchalantly. Mu Qing stared at him as if he had thrown him under the bus. With a little more thought. Feng Xin didn't know what to cook other than eggs and the basic things, but he could easily tell what was in a dish that Mu Qing made. Surely, he was made better for tasting than cooking. 

"All right. I'll bring San Lang over," Xie Lian replied, smiling. Mu Qing nodded and without further dialogue, they parted ways, the couple going one way and man going the other. Feng Xin called over another draft of wind and swiftly flew Mu Qing and himself back to their little home.

"...did we tell His Highness where we're staying?" Mu Qing asked, looking quizzically at Feng Xin.

"Ah... no..." Feng Xin replied, scratching his nose. Without hesitation, Mu Qing rolled his eyes and tapped into the communication array with Xie Lian.

-Your Highness?

-Ah, yeah, Mu Qing?

-We didn't tell you where we're staying. We're living in a large forest near the Heavenly Capital's mountain. Follow the trail of willow trees and you'll come to our home. 

-Oh alright! Thanks, Mu Qing. I was just about to ask you about it!

-Ok. See you, Your Highness.

Mu Qing tapped out of the communication array first. He wanted to rest his head on Feng Xin's shoulder, but seeing a sharp-ass shoulder armor piece, he let out an uogh before jerking his head away. Feng Xin cocked his head towards him.

"Oh. Right. I have that thing on my shoulder. Hey, A-Qing, why don't you ever wear armor even though you're a swordsman?" Feng Xin asked.

"It's for more flexibility. You wear it because you're just standing in one place while shooting arrows around, and you're more of an obvious target,", Feng Xin narrowed his eyes at the obvious information that he already knew of. "But," Mu Qing continued. "I do wear my armor sometimes, just the ones that don't cover my joints," Mu Qing finished proudly. Feng Xin pursed his lips and wrinkled his nose. He ordered the draft of wind to power their home quicker. Soon, the air was flapping across them and their bangs flew up everywhere. Feng Xin got a face full of black hair from Mu Qing and he slightly narrowed his eyes and picked Mu Qing's hair out of his face. 

"Hey." Feng Xin said to Mu Qing, clutching a lock of Mu Qing's hair.

"What." Mu Qing asked, moving to yank his hair from Feng Xin's grasp. 

"Something smells good," Feng Xin said expressionlessly. He sniffed Mu Qing's hair, and Mu Qing looked at him in disgust. "Ah. It's just your perfume oil," Feng Xin finished. He lightly kissed the lock of hair that was in his hand, causing Mu Qing to yank it away from his grasp with a light rosy blush on his face. Soon, the couple reached their home. 

As they hopped off the draft of wind, they opened the door. Banyue was still inside, and she was sweeping the floors. 

"Oh, my lords are back. Where's Pei Xiu-gege?" Banyue asked, finishing up on her sweeping.

"I think he left with General Pei. They should be here sooner or later to pick you up," Feng Xin replied. Banyue nodded.

"I don't want to trouble my lords anymore, so I'll make my way back to where Pei Xiu-gege and I are staying. I'll see my lords later, then," Banyue said. Mu Qing nodded.

"See you," Mu Qing said. Banyue gave a smile and disappeared out the door. Feng Xin tidied up the room a little and realigned the chairs by the table. Mu Qing went back out into their garden with a basket he previously weaved. He uprooted potatoes, cut green onions, dug up ginger, and ravaged his garden for some other cooking materials. He went around to the back of the house where there was a tiny little barn with the occasional moo and cluck and pink of the animals. Staring conflicted at each animal, he wondered which he should slaughter. 

"Hey, we have some spare beef in here," Feng Xin called out from inside the house. Mu Qing let out an ah and strode back into the house. He reopened the pot, cleaned it, poured new water into it tossed in the ingredients, and pinched a little salt into it. He fired up the stove underneath and closed the wooden lid to let it boil. Next, he pulled out a big bag of flour and started to make pulled noodles.

"Hmm," mused Feng Xin. "Making my favorite?" 

"Yeah. Don't eat it all, though," Mu Qing replied in a loving voice that Feng Xin found funny.

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