Girl Crush pt. 1

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Lian woke up. She had just woke up from a dream, a very strange and traumatizing one. It was one of both of her fathers doing the dirty in their garden. She wasn't sure if it was a dream, but it surely made her sit in the corner of her room and clutch her head for an hour or so. Of course, she had known about the intimate love between men, women, men and men, women and women, but she didn't expect to perhaps have a dream of her fathers doing it in their garden. Perhaps she was going crazy.

She got properly dressed and yawned as she pushed the doors to her room open. Time for another day of walking around by herself. Her fathers now trusted her to venture out on her own, but she was on a time limit. She could be out for about five hours by herself. It took a while to convince Mu Qing to allow Lian to go out by herself. After all, her parents did have friends. 

Take Xie Lian and his family, for example. Lian occasionally visited Xie Lian, Hua Cheng, and their daughter, Yulan. Xie Lian came up with Yulan's name while sitting amidst a magnolia forest while Yulan was still inside him. Yulan was a few months older than Lian, and they hung out a lot. Yulan was beautiful, with striking eyes and a perfectly shaped body and face. Even at this young age, boys her age would fall head over heels for her. Although... there was one person that wasn't a boy that had a crush on her. Of course, it was Lian, her best friend. Lian was very alert ever since she was younger, and she couldn't help but wonder what would happen if she lived an entire life pure and chaste. She didn't find that too appetizing. 

Lian had been liking Yulan for a while. Perhaps it was her strong, smart, and lovely personality, or it was just because... she didn't know the reason. Lian was slightly shorter than Yulan, and she'd often use that to the advantage of staring at Yulan's neck. Lian didn't want to confess, because what if she was rejected and left without a best friend? She didn't know what she'd do without Yulan. And even if they'd stayed friends, it'd be awkward. 

Perhaps you could call it a childhood crush. Lian felt like these emotions were relatively complicated. If only she just felt simple hatred or fondness. 

Xie Lian and Hua Cheng treated Lian well when she came to hang out with them. Sometimes, Xie Lian would cook food for Lian. Lian would eat it without comment. Yulan would stare at her, questioning why she wasn't rolling around on the ground vomiting. It was just that Lian learned how to dispel certain foods when she ingested them. A little trick from her fathers, as they knew that Lian would hang out with Xie Lian and his family from time to time. Hua Cheng wasn't too bad with Lian. He tolerated her, and she was pretty helpful, too. She knew exactly when to talk and when to just sit back and not say anything. 

Now, Lian walked down the hallway of Feng Xin's inner chambers. She passed her father's room and wiped her eyes. She was walking outside to the garden just to cool down. She pushed open the large doors the the garden when she saw Feng Xin and Mu Qing's mixed robes on the ground under the willow tree. 

"Ah... Baba and A-Die must've left it here... wait... WHA-" Lian started, but her eyes snapped open wide. "SO IT WASN'T A DREAM-" Lian nearly screamed. She rushed over the to willow tree to examine to robes to make sure that it was indeed her fathers'. It was hopeless. If it wasn't her fathers', then whose would it be? Memories came flooding back to her.

Lian had gotten up out of bed to get water but stumbled upon the window facing the exterior of the garden. She'd seen everything happen with wide eyes. She was only half awake then, so she assumed it to be a dream. She also had keen hearing so she had also heard all of it...

Lian threw her head back, running a hand through her well-cut bangs. After gathering herself a little more, she decided to neatly fold her fathers' robes and bring them to them. She had their robes folded in one arm, and with the other arm, she pushed open the doors to Feng Xin and Mu Qing's room. She came upon her fathers sleeping soundly together naked. She didn't dwell on that fact, so she silently placed the folded robes on the table nearby. She stood there, staring at her fathers. After a moment of contemplation, she stiffly walked out and closed the doors behind her. 

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