Penalty of a Broken Door

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Mu Qing's face darkened as the door fell out of where it was supposed to be. 

The door clattered to the ground as Pei Ming stared at the group sitting down at the table. Feng Xin scrunched up his nose in annoyance. Pei Ming just had to yell when he came in too, making such a fuss. 

"Oh, General," Pei Xiu said, glancing towards Banyue for a split second. Mu Qing's face darkened even more when the broken door broke in half when it hit the ground.

"Oops, sorry about that, generals," Pei Ming said, crouching down by the "door".

"Fix it." Mu Qing said darkly, disregarding seniority or whatever the hell that was. Pei Ming pursed his lips.

"Ah... yeah, I will," he said, rubbing the back of his neck. Pei Xiu glanced at him. "Give me a hammer or something, will you?" Pei Ming asked, trying to fit the door back together. Feng Xin tossed a hammer over to him [which you should NEVER do because it's dangerous<3] and Pei Ming caught it without a glance. He repaired it in a little bit and slid it back into place.

"That was made of rare ebony wood," Feng Xin said, half helplessly and half in annoyance.

"Well, it still works now, does it?" Pei Ming replied, not making a big deal of it. He turned his gaze back to Pei Xiu.

"Well, Little Pei, come with me," Pei Ming said. Pei Xiu pursed his lips and shot a look at Banyue. She nodded with a little smile and beckoned him to go. He left with Pei Ming.

Once they were in a corner of Feng Xin and Mu Qing's yard, Pei Ming glared at Pei Xiu.

"Well, you like the little girl, don't you? I worked so hard just to get you into the Heavenly Court, yet you throw it all away for a girl?" Pei Ming hissed. Pei Xiu was about to say something unkind about Pei Ming's obsession with every single kind of beautiful woman or ghost in this world, but he shut his mouth before he could say a word. He wouldn't be wrong at all, he just kind of... got scared that he might be disrespecting his elders. Because he was.

"Well... I like her," Pei Xiu said, flustered. Unlike his... indirect ancestor, he felt kind of connected to this girl that he liked. 

Inside the little house, Banyue sat with a smile on her face, facing Feng Xin and Mu Qing. She twiddled with her teacup and glanced at the doorway every few seconds or so. Feng Xin traced the rim of his teacup, as Mu Qing lightly sipped from his own. It was a very chill silence. Scratching her head, Banyue wanted to start a conversation but didn't know how to. Just when she was about to say something, a ring in the communication array of Mu Qing and Feng Xin sounded. This was the sound of the communication array with every god inside of it, and the couple quickly tapped in to listen.

"Huh? What is it now? I haven't heard a message in a long while," a god said.

"Yeah, yeah! This is interesting, yet so tedious," 


"Ah, back to the good old days,"

Sounds of gods wondering out aloud rang out in the communication array. Ling Wen cleared her throat clearly, and everyone hushed. Feng Xin and Mu Qing glanced at each other. When Ling Wen spoke in the communication array, it was always either something determining a certain palace, or it was a major case.

"My fellow civil gods, martial gods, medical gods, and all others. I am calling you all on behalf of His Highness, Lord Jun Wu. We request a meeting this instant, and exiled gods may be brought back to listen too," Ling Wen said. Murmurs of people rippled, but they got it. "My Lord will meet you all in the Hall. I will see you shortly," Ling Wen finished, tapping out of the communication array. Feng Xin and Mu Qing tapped out immediately after, giving each other a look.

"We should head up. General Pei should have gotten the message too, and he should be telling Little Pei," Feng Xin said. They glanced at Banyue.

"Banyue, we're heading up the the Upper Court. Not sure if you're allowed, so please stay guard here until we come back," Mu Qing said. Banyue nodded.

"I understand. I'll watch over the stuff," Banyue replied with a smile. Walking outside, Feng Xin and Mu Qing met with the two Peis. Pei Ming had already finished telling Pei Xiu of the meeting, and they were ready. Pei Xiu looked reluctant to leave Banyue, but he looked at the door a last time and sauntered off with the Generals. Feng Xin summoned a draft of wind and hopping onto it, gestured to the others to come on with him. They climbed on, and then Feng Xin commanded the wind to bring them to the Heavenly Kingdom. 

The trip was quiet. Feng Xin unconsciously wrapped his arms around Mu Qing's waist for fear that he would fall, but it was foolish of him to think like that. Mu Qing was a martial god, and even if he fell, he'd be perfectly fine. Mu Qing didn't object though, placing his hands over Feng Xin's arms around him. Pei Ming sat behind them, face bright. Pei Xiu sat with a light smile and averted his gaze to give them at least a little bit of privacy. Mu Qing looked ahead. There, the Heavenly Court stretched out.

Temples were everywhere, bright colored and shiny. Not too far away, the Hall was as great as ever. Feng Xin wondered if Xie Lian would be at the meeting because it'd be the first time he left Hua Cheng for one in the Heavenly Court in a while. The group's draft of wind swiftly came upon the road in front of the Hall. Jumping down, Pei Xiu and Pei Ming stared at the Hall. It had been a while since Pei Xiu had been in the Heavenly Court, and he breathed a sigh despite himself. Feng Xin helped Mu Qing down and everyone traversed together. They fell into a crown of heavenly officials also filing into the Hall, and Mu Qing unconsciously grabbed Feng Xin's hand. Feng Xin held his in return, and they walked in together. The Hall was great, and even if all of the heavenly officials were inside, there would be a lot of space left. Jun Wu sat on his great throne in the front, hand supporting his temple as always. Feng Xin and Mu Qing stood in the southeast corner of the room, apart from the rest of the heavenly officials. Soon after, Xie Lian walked in. His eyes swept over the crowd, and once he saw the couple, he waved and scurried on over to them. 

"Hey! I haven't seen you guys in a few months! How are you doing?" Xie Lian asked them once he got over. 

"We're doing good. Little Pei and Banyue came across our house, and we fought some flower Yao together." Feng Xin started. Ling Wen's clear and vibrant voice rang out.

"Please settle down, fellow heavenly officials. The meeting will start now," Ling Wen said. Everyone quieted down on her order.

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