A First

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*idk but TW just in case*

Lian's eyes widened as she flipped once in the air and landed on her feet. A ghostly pale, expressionless face appeared before her. A cold fist closed around Lian's throat.

"What are you doing in my domain, Heavenly Official?" A chilling voice asked. He Xuan looked deadpan. As Lian gasped for breath, she made a small hand seal with one of her hands. Fenghuang materialized in her right hand, shining in its golden glory. Lian struck at He Xuan's wrist that was choking her and she kept back several paces as he let go. She took on a small, yet strong stance as she faced He Xuan. Shi Qingxuan stood back, helpless and nervous.

"My Lord, I am not yet a Heavenly Official," Lian said in an equally deadpan voice. He Xuan scoffed and rushed at her again.

"What a waste of words. Might as well take you out. It'll do your parents a favor," He Xuan said. Lian nearly lost her composure at the mention of her fathers, but she steeled herself as a burst of black qi rushed towards her. She dodged and struck out with Fenghuang at the same time, dissipating the black qi. The backlash hit her, and she stumbled a few steps. Lian summoned blue qi with her left hand and struck out at He Xuan. At the same time, He Xuan struck out with his black qi, and both bursts collided with each other, causing a huge explosion. Lian gritted her teeth. She knew she was no match for a Calamity, yet she had to hold out for as long as she could. She couldn't split her concentration with communicating in the communication array with anyone, so she had to bear with the fight. 

With one hand behind his back, He Xuan struck out with several attacks, overwhelming Lian. Lian dodged and retaliated with Fenghuang, golden leaves whistling through the air. 

He Xuan flung out both of his wrists, and a huge wall of black qi came surrounding Lian and closing in at an abnormally fast pace. Lian's eyes widened. She could only resort to one of her strongest moves with Fenghuang, yelling.

"Sword Array!" Lian exclaimed, and Fenghuang grew several meters in length at that call. Fenghuang struck hundreds of times at the wall of black qi surrounding Lian in the blink of an eye, stabbing like sharp swords. Fenghuang was extremely strong at this point, and the black qi surrounding Lian faltered and nearly collapsed. Fenghuang's move was enough to break most of the strong current of the black qi, yet it still hit Lian. The black qi was still very potent, however, and it made Lian cough up several mouthfuls of blood. Wiping her blood-soaked mouth, Lian faced He Xuan once again. He Xuan smirked.

"You're fun. Maybe I'll play with you for a little longer," He Xuan said, charging towards Lian. Lian gritted her teeth and summoned her saber in place of Fenghuang. Blue light glinted off of her saber as it clashed with a black longsword. The black longsword that He Xuan was holding had wisps of demonic poison floating around it and taotie designs were carved on its iron hilt. The chilling black blade forced down upon Lian as she defended herself with all of her strength. Lian left back several paces and panted as she switched stances. She held out a curved arm in front of her as her right foot stepped back, lowering her just above the ground. Shi Qingxuan still stood back, at a loss, knowing that he couldn't help. 

He Xuan leaped at Lian with one hand behind his back, black sword soaring. Lian leaped at him in turn, clashing blades with him. Black and blue qi flashed all around, forming cuts in the dark sand around them. Lian jumped over He Xuan, striking at him with her saber. She managed to cut He Xuan, yet he healed himself immediately. Just then, a cry from the sea rang out.

"A-Lian!" A voice shrieked. It was Yulan, on a ship with the rest of the heavenly officials who volunteered to come. Yulan was bracing herself against the deck of the ship, and it was sinking. As expected in the domain of Ship Sinking Black Water. Feng Xin was trying hard to summon a gale of wind, and Mu Qing was gripping the edge of the ship beside Yulan. 

"Lian-er!" Mu Qing yelled despite himself. Everyone on the ship was still white a distance from the shore, so they could only hope that Lian would use her skill of lightness qinggong to jump over with Shi Qingxuan. 

Lian's eyes widened, and her movements faltered for a few moments. He Xuan pressing onto her snapped her back to reality, and she let out a yelp as she fought back with moves of her own. Her saber slashed and flew, sending sparks wherever it collided with He Xuan's blade. Shi Qingxuan slowly moved towards the edge of the shore, eyes shining. Were people finally coming to save him?

Lian flung out her arm and sent a qi blast straight at He Xuan. He Xuan struck at it and dissipated it, but it was enough time for Lian to rush over to Shi Qingxuan and hold out her hand.

"Former Wind Master! Take my hand, and I'll fly us over to them-" Lian exclaimed, but a cold feeling spread through her right chest. Blood splattered on Shi Qingxuan's surprised face, and he nearly cried out. Lian spat blood, and she lowered her wide eyes to look at her chest.

A black blade protruded from her chest, covered in blood and laced with demonic poison. Lian raised a hand to cover her mouth as she coughed up more blood, soaking her robes. Yells and screams came from the deck of the ship on the sea.

"A-LIAN!" Yulan shrieked, screaming her heart out. Mu Qing's eyes widened, and he held himself. Feng Xin whipped around, only to see a black blade protruding from the figure that looked so much like his daughter. Xie Lian covered his mouth, eyes widening in disbelief.

Lian drew out her breaths slow and long and gripped the blade in her chest. She pulled herself from the blade, coughing up more liters of blood. She steeled herself and staggered to turn around to face He Xuan. He Xuan plunged his blade into Lian once again, stabbing straight into her abdomen. Unable to bear it anymore, Shi Qingxuan let out a scream. Cocking his head to the side, He Xuan retracted his blade from Lian. Lian shuddered once and fell to the ground. 

Everything felt so distant and so cold. She wished so badly to be in the comforting warmth of her fathers... and to be with Yulan. Her body felt so terrible. Poisonous qi coursed through her blood, muting her qi. Her breath shook. 

Lian's vision betrayed her. Stars swam in her vision, and she helplessly held out a hand to the sea, coughing up blood once again.

Where was everyone?

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