Back Again

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Sunlight shone through the window like blades piercing silk. Feng Xin and Mu Qing lay in their bed, entangled in strange positions made while they were asleep. 

One of Feng Xin's legs was sticking out of the bed covers, and one of his arms was placed above his head. Mu Qing was cuddling Feng Xin's side and one of his legs ran straight across Feng Xin's lower abdomen. Clothes lay strewn on the floor, and among them, two shiny hair ornaments. On the pearly skin of Mu Qing's neck, there was a very obvious red bite mark that stood out like a ruby among pure white pearls. Both were peacefully sleeping, gentle breaths could be heard. Mu Qing's eyelashes quivered, and he blearily opened his eyes. He woke up to the warm body of Feng Xin pressed close to his. Rather, he was hugging Feng Xin's body like he was his life. One of Feng Xin's arms was around Mu Qing's shoulders, and he slightly shuddered under the gentle hold of those strong hands. Mu Qing took a quivering breath. When he moved even slightly, a faint, tearing pain spread in his lower body and in his head. There was also a very gentle tingling sensation in his stomach, but he dismissed it.

Fuck. My head hurts like hell, Mu Qing thought to himself. Not to mention my ass. I... Mu Qing blushed, trying to remember what had happened last night. He only had fragments of his memory of last night. He tried to shift his body, but he hissed in pain. He didn't think he could sit up at this point. Feng Xin felt his shift, and his eyes shot open. He blinked a few times, getting used to the light, and he looked down at Mu Qing. Mu Qing looked back up at him, and they gave each other a blank stare. They yelled and flipped away from each other. Mu Qing hugged the entire blanket to his side, while Feng Xin grabbed the pillow. Their faces turned redder than wedding robes as they clutched their bedding items. 

After a while of fumbling around, they finally got clean inner robes on and managed to put together what had happened last night. Mu Qing didn't want to move around too much, but he wanted to cook. He can't put the burden on Feng Xin when he already can't walk as much. To his surprise, Feng Xin got up and grabbed a few eggs from a basket in a storage cabinet/pantry.

"Hey... I'll cook, I'll cook. You don't have to," Mu Qing said, moving to stand up. Feng Xin waved his hand at him, gesturing for him to rest a bit more on the bed.

"It's fine. I'll cook. Rest, you're already a little hurt," Feng Xin said. Mu Qing found his words logical and pouted as he leaned back against the headboard. He watched as Feng Xin fired up the furnace below and beat the eggs in a bowl with other vegetables. He steamed some rice and continued to vigorously whip at the eggs like they ate Mu Qing alive. Mu Qing chuckled at how much he was beating the eggs, but he continued to watch his husband's attempt at cooking. Soon, he poured the egg mixture into the deep wok and stood there, waiting for the eggs to fry itself. Mu Qing stood up and staggered to the table. He lit a small candle and set a teapot over it, allowing the earthen teapot to heat up as he placed dried tea leaves into the water. He sat down with a thump on his chair and stretched. Feng Xin flipped over his strange egg mixture and flipped his onto a plate. He folded the thick crepe a few times, making it look like an off-brand lemon cake. He snapped, and he opened up the steamed rice. 

"You learned that from me, didn't you?" Mu Qing teased Feng Xin. 

"Who else would I learn that from?" Feng Xin raised his eyebrow. He pulled out two plates and placed them in front of where he was sitting and in front of Mu Qing. They divided Feng Xin's strange thing in half and ate in silence. After a few bites, Mu Qing raised his eyebrow.

"Not bad. It's a little good," Mu Qing said. He genuinely didn't expect Feng Xin to be at this level of cooking. After all, Mu Qing did usually cook. Feng Xin gave a genuine smile, like a five-year-old who had just been complimented by his dad for drawing a dinosaur.

"...really? I just thought that I could stomach it because I made it. I thought it tasted shitty," Feng Xin replied, beaming. Mu Qing picked off a grain of rice that was on the side of Feng Xin's mouth.

"Hmm. Shut up and keep eating. It is good," Mu Qing said. Feng Xin happily shut up and ate. They finished their food a few minutes later. A few moments later, Ling Wen's voice rang in the communication array with Feng Xin.

-...Nan Yang jiangjun? Ling Wen said.

-Mm? Ling Wen? Feng Xin replied.

-Dianxia is back in the Heavenly Court. He wants to stay up here with you and Xuan Zhen Jiangjun. She replied.

-Uhh... okay? I'm surprised he left Crimson Rain back in the Mortal Realm or wherever he is now. Feng Xin mused.

-Oh, no, he's here with dianxia. Ling Wen casually said. Feng Xin raised an eyebrow.

-Well... uhh... damn. Feng Xin didn't know what to say.

-Yeah. Oh, he wants to see you guys. Maybe you should stay in the Heavenly Court for a few weeks. I haven't been sending you two on missions for a reason. Now, I need you two to get back to your old jobs. Ling Wen chided.

-Oh. We were free, why didn't you just ask us to go on missions? Feng Xin was a little perplexed.

-I made Qi Ying Jiangjun go on those missions. He seemed pretty fine with it, anyway. Ling Wen replied.

-Why didn't Dianxia just communicate with us in the communication array? Feng Xin asked.

-I think he was busy, which is strange. Whatever, outsiders shouldn't meddle in the affairs of others anyway. Ling Wen said. -Oh, I've got to go. I'll see you two soon, Nan Yang Jiangjun. With that, Ling Wen tapped out of the communication array. Feng Xin blinked and turned to Mu Qing. Mu Qing was staring at him with an eyebrow raised.

"Communication array? With Ling Wen?" Mu Qing asked. He knew exactly what Feng Xin was doing.

"Yep. Dianxia's back in the Heavenly Court... with Crimson Rain. Don't know why, but he just wants to hang out with us," Feng Xin replied. Mu Qing nodded expressionlessly. The two were still in their inner robes, so they tossed on some outer robes and picked up their spiritual weapons. The two fixed their hair with the hair ornaments that had been lying on the floor just a moment before. Feng Xin opened the door and walked outside with Mu Qing in tow, and Mu Qing cast an invisibility spell over their house and everything around it such as the small garden. Glancing back for a last look, Feng Xin summoned a draft of wind and pulled Mu Qing onto him. They flew to the Heavenly Court in high spirits.

*eh. I've just finished with the plot, and this fanfic will have 5 short arcs. Don't worry, it won't be like 60+ chapters long. I hope you guys will stick with me to the end! ~Ur 【potentially】fav Lotus^^ 莲花

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