EXTRA 7: When You Have A Ghost (or something) as Your Partner

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Part 1: Came Back From the Dead, Bitch.

~The day after their reunion~

With a calm expression, Shi Wudu sat up in a bed that was not his. A warm body was beside him, and he looked down. Why did Pei Ming look so small when he slept?

Pei Ming was curled up into a small ball, his head pillowed on his hands. His body was bare, his hair loose. Shi Wudu softly smiled and gently stroked Pei Ming's head. He decided to lay back down, and he gazed at Pei Ming's face. He held Pei Ming's face, holding him close. Sunlight shone through the window, and Shi Wudu pulled the blanket over Pei Ming. Pei Ming's eyelashes fluttered, and he slowly opened his eyes. He stared at Shi Wudu, then blinked. Shi Wudu smiled and embraced him. Pei Ming made a noise of surprise, then leaned into Shi Wudu's embrace. 

"My ass hurts," Pei Ming muttered. Shi Wudu chuckled and rested his chin upon Pei Ming's head. Pei Ming wrapped his arms around Shi Wudu's back and buried his face into his chest. 

"Don't leave. I don't want you to leave," Pei Ming said. Shi Wudu barely suppressed a laugh.

"Who said I'm leaving? General Pei, what made you so soft and needy?" Shi Wudu scoffed. Said general only held Shi Wudu tighter. 

"That's good. That's..." Pei Ming mumbled. 

"I won't leave. Promise me one thing, and I won't leave." Shi Wudu stroked Pei Ming's bare back. 

"Anything. Anything for you," Pei Ming earnestly replied.

"Let me be the only one to be with you until death," Shi Wudu said. Without wasting a second, Pei Ming raised his head.

"Yes. I promise. I am yours," Pei Ming said. Shi Wudu could have sworn that he saw the tail of a puppy wagging. Shi Wudu smiled and embraced Pei Ming's warm body even tighter. 

"Alright. Let's get ready," Shi Wudu said softly.

"Get ready for what?" Pei Ming asked, seemingly perplexed.

"Have you gone dumb? For the day, of course," Shi Wudu said with a strange expression on his face. Pei Ming was quiet for a moment, then slowly nodded.


"Ming-er, could you not move so much?" Shi Wudu chided as he bathed Pei Ming.

"When'd you start calling me that?" Pei Ming stared at Shi Wudu.

"Just now." Shi Wudu scrubbed Pei Ming's back. "I told you to stop moving! Sit still!"

"But my ass hurts," Pei Ming grumbled.

"Endure it. You'll be done soon," Shi Wudu said sternly. "You're a general, heaven-knows-how-many centuries year old. You can't even sit still because your ass hurts?"

"It's not my fault that it was my first time through the damn back door!" Pei Ming exclaimed, throwing his hands up. Water splashed onto Shi Wudu's face. Shi Wudu waved his hand, and a wave of water rose and crashed onto Pei Ming's head. Pei Ming's hair flattened, and he stared at Shi Wudu.

"It kind of is," Shi Wudu said. Pei Ming scoffed.

"Well, congrats on taking my first time through the back door," Pei Ming muttered. 

"Alright. Out you go," Shi Wudu said as he grabbed a nearby towel. Pei Ming rose from the wooden bathtub in his naked splendor and stood as stiff as a stick, his legs visibly trembling. Shi Wudu draped the towel around him and helped him out, mostly dragging him. 

"Walk on your own for heaven's sake," Shi Wudu scolded. Pei Ming looked helpless.

"I- I can't! You- I-" Pei Ming stuttered, and he leaned onto Shi Wudu for support. Pei Ming's face was a touch red, and he really couldn't walk too far on his own. Shi Wudu let out a soft sigh and picked Pei Ming up bridal style in one swift motion. Pei Ming had no choice but to lean in closer into Shi Wudu's chest as he carried him to the bed. Shi Wudu gently placed him down and wiped down Pei Ming's body. Then, somebody burst through the door.

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