With Time

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*huehuehue~ also the medical god isn't a real character in the book-*

Feng Xin woke up. He blinked a few times, confused that Mu Qing wasn't asleep next to him. 

The two gods stayed on the heavenly court for a few weeks already, and a month was nearing. They stayed in Feng Xin's palace the entire time, with Xie Lian and Hua Cheng occasionally visiting. They had found out that Xie Lian was with child. Mu Qing and Feng Xin were the first people that Xie Lian told. 

They just had dinner hours ago with Xie Lian and Hua Cheng, asking about how everything was going. Xie Lian and Hua Cheng had said that everything was going smoothly, just not sure how exactly things were going to turn out. 

It was the middle of the night, Feng Xin didn't know where the hell Mu Qing would even go at this hour. He sat up, running a hand through his hair as he stood up and opened the doors of his bed chamber. He yawned and scratched the back of his head. Walking down the hall, he called out Mu Qing's name with a hoarse voice.

"A-Qing? Where are you? Stop shitting me, it's the middle of the fucking night- A-Qing!" Feng Xin's eyes snapped wide open as he saw a figure down the hall careening over. It was Mu Qing. He was supporting himself with one hand on the wall, and the other hand was grasping his stomach. His face looked green, and he looked as if he was going to puke. Feng Xin rushed over to him and held him.

"Are you ok? Why are you out here?" Feng Xin asked, brow knitting in genuine concern. 

"...I'm fine. Just... get me back to bed," Mu Qing said, leaning against Feng Xin. Feng Xin was confused about why Mu Qing would be out in the hallway in the first place, acting like he had eaten an entire pot of Xie Lian's cooking. No matter, he picked up Mu Qing bridal style as he blearily walked back to his room. Mu Qing burrowed his face into Feng Xin's chest, seeking warmth that he always thought was comforting. Feng Xin kicked open his doors, turned around, kicked them back closed, and walked to the divan. He gently set Mu Qing down on it near the wall and lay down next to him. Feng Xin pulled the covers over him and Mu Qing and made sure that he was warm. 

Mu Qing indeed felt like he had eaten an entire pot of Xie Lian's cooking. He wanted to vomit, but he hadn't vomited in the past few centuries like this. Feeling Feng Xin's arms wrap around him to provide warmth, Mu Qing instantly felt secure and better. Feng Xin didn't know exactly what was up with Mu Qing, but he channeled a little bit of spiritual energy into Mu Qing to help ease the pain. Mu Qing evened out his breaths and turned around to burrow himself back into Feng Xin's chest. Feng Xin wrapped his arms around Mu Qing and breathed in his scent.

Mm... haitang perfume oil... was Feng Xin's last thought before he drifted back into a nice sleep.


Mu Qing's eyes snapped open. Sunlight poured in through Feng Xin's window, and pain shot through his stomach. He shuddered and curled into a ball. Feng Xin woke up with his movements and blinked in concern.

"Does it still hurt?" Feng Xin asked. It seemed as if Feng Xin had a very light sleep. 

"Kind of. It's nothing," Mu Qing said. Conveniently, right after he said that another burst of pain spread in his stomach. Shit, he hissed as he curled over on himself again. Feng Xin looked helpless, and all he could do was rub Mu Qing in places that would calm him down a little, like his back and head. 

"Are you sure? That looks pretty unbearable for a martial god like you. Besides, you're the martial god of the southwest. Are you sure that you don't want me to call someone to check up on you?" Feng Xin said in a hurry. Mu Qing huffed, one of his hands gripping the bedsheets. He broke down in a cold sweat, stressing Feng Xin out. 

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