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Mu Qing was weaving another basket while sitting under Feng Xin's willow tree.

There wasn't much for him to do, as he reached his seventh month, and was now waiting for the child. The child could come at any moment, whether today, tomorrow, or next week, but it was sure to be soon enough. Lan Ning visited more often nowadays, coming every other day. She told Feng Xin and Mu Qing to notify her right away if Mu Qing started contractions.

Now and then, Mu Qing felt little kicks coming from his stomach. They weren't much, but they made his day any time he felt them. Feng Xin was tending to his red lotuses not too far away, promising to be as close to Mu Qing as possible just in case. The air was tense, but there was comfort in knowing that they would see the child soon. 

Feng Xin looked in between lotus stems just for fun, seeing if anything was interesting or random under the leaves and flowers. There were some ripe lotus pods, so he picked those to snack on the seeds later. Now and then, he would pick a lotus petal the nibble on so he could see what it'd taste like. Didn't taste too bad, seeing that he kept on picking petals to eat. As Mu Qing finished weaving another row of his basket, Feng Xin came over, holding lotus pods in one hand. Feng Xin plopped down right next to Mu Qing and put a hand on Mu Qing's stomach.

"How are you feeling?" Feng Xin asked. 

"Fine. I don't feel anything yet," Mu Qing replied, looking up from his nearly-finished straw basket. Feng Xin smiled.

"All right. Remember, tell me the second that you feel something. I don't want you to endure it in silence, and Lan Ning said that it'd be better if she was notified right away," Feng Xin said. Mu Qing returned his smile, putting down his woven basket. He pressed a chaste kiss on Feng Xin's lips and rested his forehead against Feng Xin's.

"I know, I know. And I thought you were so excited and impatient for the child to come," Mu Qing teased.

"Yeah, I was. And I still am, I just... I'm just worried about you," Feng Xin said, eyes softening. 

"Aww. Here he is, A-Xin so worried about meeeee... how cute," Mu Qing said as he pressed another kiss on Feng Xin's nose. Feng Xin narrowed his eyes and smiled at the same time.

"Who wouldn't...?" Feng Xin muttered. Flicking Feng Xin's forehead, Mu Qing went back to weaving his basket. At this speed, he would finish the basket in a little bit. 

"All right, all right, gimme some lotus seeds," Mu Qing demanded, headbutting Feng Xin. Feng Xin scoffed and pulled the lotus pods apart, revealing green-coated seeds. He peeled a seed and beckoned Mu Qing to lower his head and open his mouth. Mu Qing silently obliged, then happily crunched the lotus seed. He weaved another row of his basket.

"It's peaceful these days, isn't it? Ling Wen knows that we're occupied, so she sends out deputy generals to do some work for us. I wonder how we'll manage when the child comes," Feng Xin said, popping a lotus seed into his mouth.

"Everything should be fine. I'm worried that the child won't have one father with them when they grow up, so I might ask Ling Wen if we don't have to go on overly dangerous missions. I'm sure she'll understand," Mu Qing replied, not looking up from his basket. Feng Xin raised an eyebrow. Damn, he thought. Is this just a thing that happens to pregnant people? He's expressing more emotions than usual.

"...yeah," Feng Xin said. He gently patted Mu Qing's stomach, smiling. "Don't worry about anything else. We'll both be there for our child," Feng Xin said with a comforting smile. Mu Qing slightly widened his eyes, then gently smiled back. The baby was very mobile inside Mu Qing, as he could feel movements every second. Feng Xin's eyes lit up when he felt the baby move. Mu Qing suppressed a laugh as he saw Feng Xin with his eyes wide like an innocent and ignorant child. For some reason, this took Mu Qing back to when they got married.

Ling Wen volunteered to be the one in charge of the wedding, ordering people to put this there and hang that up over there. With the help of many heavenly officials, she got everything done later in the night. They held the wedding in Feng Xin's temple, in his large main hall.

Feng Xin was getting ready in his private inner chambers with some helpers throwing red robes on him. Mu Qing was getting ready with his group of helpers in his temple, a little further southwest. At first, he strongly refused to wear a crimson veil, but after a long while of persuasion, his helpers finally got him to begrudgingly throw the veil over his head. 

Mu Qing and his group walked over to Feng Xin's temple, where everybody who attended was standing uniformly, Feng Xin at the end waiting for Mu Qing. Mu Qing remembered what Feng Xin said to him that day. He remembered everything that happened at their wedding.

Mu Qing faltered in his step, in awe at how handsome Feng Xin was at the time. Feng Xin was wearing long red robes that caressed the ground, a thin scarlet forehead ribbon fastened to his head. He had a golden hair ornament in his hair, shaped like a dragon. Feng Xin's robes were embroidered with golden dragons and lines that symbolized wind. Feng Xin's eyes softened when he saw Mu Qing. Mu Qing was wearing a set of bridegroom robes [because he obviously wouldn't fit in the petite form of the bride's robes], embroidered with phoenix patterns. He was also wearing a hair ornament of pure gold, shaped like a phoenix. The vibrant color of his red robes contrasted with Mu Qing's pearly skin, casting a warm shade on them. 

Mu Qing went to Feng Xin's side and held a red paper flower in between them. Feng Xin held it too, their hands brushing under the flower. Feng Xin smiled, eyes softening, and he admired Mu Qing's beauty. Mu Qing blushed, averting his gaze after a while of staring at Feng Xin's handsome face. Loud music was playing, and although it was nighttime, it was as lively as midday. Mu Qing could pick out familiar faces, such as Pei Ming with his smug smile. They processed inside the main hall, and then everything began.

The wedding traditions passed Mu Qing in a daze, and soon he found himself bowing for the last time of the celebration. They could hear Ling Wen's voice.

"Now, please retreat to the bridal chamber!" Ling Wen said, voice booming over the crown with a hint of excitement. 

Then they consummated.

Mu Qing blushed and smiled at this memory, forever engraved into his memory. Without his notice, Feng Xin was nuzzling himself against Mu Qing's stomach muttering to the baby.

"A-Die is here, do you know? A-Die is very excited to meet you~" Feng Xin mumbled, gently rubbing his head against Mu Qing's stomach. Mu Qing wanted so badly to violently throw Feng Xin across his well-developed garden, but he knew that Feng Xin wouldn't get a chance to do this again. He let Feng Xin do as he wanted and then finished weaving his basket. 

He smiled, looking up through the curtains of the willow tree, gazing at the sun that was occasionally peeking through those long branches. He thought of what life would be like after the child was born.

A gentle breeze blew by, making Mu Qing's hair fly. He breathed in, running a hand through Feng Xin's hair. Then, he smiled as the child moved like a fish swimming in water inside him.

*bro why did it take so long to release this chapter- sorry guys^ I'll try to release chapters a little quicker if I can-*

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