Hello! And Goodbye!

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Here's the end.

Gosh, how long has it been since I first started Mixed Robes? Over seven months?

The incessant ideas of FengQing had existed long before February 23 of 2023. They just got too out of hand, so Mixed Robes was born. 

I would like to express my unending gratefulness to all of those that decided to click on this story, and to support me with over 13k reads (as of the day I'm writing this). Without you all, I wouldn't have continued Mixed Robes. I can't even begin to explain how grateful and happy I am that this story had gotten that many reads. At first, I was surprised to see even 1k reads, but now 13k?! DAMN-

Those that have stayed till this end, thank you all so much. Thank you for accepting the world of YuLian, and processing the corny lines that I sneakily inserted here and there throughout this story, along with the strange autocorrect things and typos. I also took some inspiration from other danmei books, and if you can identify them, great!

I wish to feature YuLian in a future independent story that I will be writing. I'll be taking a break from writing for now, and I'll be supporting all of my fanfic writer peers in their stories^^

I would also like to recognize the person that I dedicated this story to. 

Due to privacy reasons, I will keep her name private, but girl, if you're reading this, yes, this was dedicated to you. I love you so much. Your Little Lotus says hi (*¯︶¯*)

I based off Yulan's character off of her. Not everything, as some things are a little exaggerated and added. Y'all can get the gist though, if you've paid close attention to Yulan's personality. 

Aaaaanyway, here are a little bit of quick descriptions on YuLian's physical appearance to imagine them a little better!

Lian: Wheat-colored skin, ink-black hair, pretty much most of Mu Qing's features but feminine, a few centimeters shorter than FengQing, phoenix eyes

Yulan: Practically every feminine feature that Xie Lian possesses, pale skin, jet-black hair, also has phoenix eyes, just a little shorter than Hua Cheng

Alright cool so y'all get a hint of what YuLian look like. 

Again, I would like to thank every reader that's currently reading this. I wouldn't have gotten where I am (you know, with all the reads and votes and stuff) without y'all. THANK YOU SO MUCH!

In a little while, I will be releasing the sequel(more or less) to Mixed Robes.

The title is Beautiful Impurities, and the main characters aren't YuLian. Despite this, YuLian will be very important and vital to the storyline.

Anyway, goodbye for now! I really do hope that we all meet again, whether it be on the same path or parallel paths. 

Thank you, and see you soon if you are here to stay!


Mixed Robes~ February 23-September 1 2023

Mixed Robes [FengQing]Where stories live. Discover now