Volume 5 Chapter 1: Learning New Magic!

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Previously: Jazzy rubbed the back of his head smirking. Shaxx on the other hand was all smiles,"I can't wait to show Caim!" "Let's get going, the others are probably waiting for us." "Alright." "Yep!" Alexia got out her wings and flew to school. Alexia shows up with Shaxx and Jazz only to see most of her classmates soaking up the attention from the student body. She laughed at their shamelessness. They all looked their way and screamed out their friends' names with happiness. She smiled brightly back with the feeling of love consuming her heart. They all headed inside and sat down in their seats.

Kalego snapped his fingers and a giant scroll appeared on the desk. It started to blast sound causing everyone to cover their ears in pain. "The Misfit Class has to reach rank 4 before the end of the year in order to keep learning in the Royal One!" He coughed out loud and made the scroll disappear. "You heard the declaration coming from the principal. If any of you fail, you all fail. So in order for you to get strong enough to pass your upcoming obstacles. You are getting special instructors that will assist you with your specific skills." The demon tutors stepped into the class and stood tall.

A/N~ Demon Tutors:
Mr. Hat - Caim & Kerori
Vepar - Agares & Gaap
Balam - Alice & Sabnock
Raim - Clara & Elizabetta
Furfur - Jazz & Allocer
Robin - Lied Shaxx
Vladimir - Purson & Alexia

Alexia stood up on her desk and got the attention of everyone. "Listen up, guys!" She leaped from table to table until she landed on the teacher's podium. "This is the moment we have been waiting for, a chance to push past our limits!" She saw they were still nervous and stressed. "The future is waiting for us. We overcame so much already together. Let's continue down this path of adversary and difficulty. Because once we become stronger, everything else will seem so much easier. We are demons that enjoy fun and excitement. But getting things the easy way isn't always satisfying. Let's do Iruma proud and become worthy demons of all the riches of the netherworld! I'll be working hard to grow, are you going to be left behind or grow alongside me!?" They all stood up and shouted out,"HELL NO!" "That's what I thought!" She turned to face the Tutors. "No matter what you throw at us, we'll overcome your challenges. We have come too far to quit." She leaped down off the podium and smirked smugly at Kalego. He was grimacing at her for being so abrasive.

Shaxx and Jazz gave Alexia a high five as they all went separate directions to go train with their specific teachers. Parson trailed behind her as they headed towards the area where they took their flying test at the beginning of the year. She got a text from her new demon servant and her self chosen tutor.

Vladimir comes out of her shadow bearing gifts for her to have and use in combat. (Medieval Magical Dagger that can grow in size, width, and length. Aka Abyssal Vice) He teaches her how to use her new tool and fight against evolved Demons with minimal effort. Alexia gains a new type of ancient magic and fighting style.

A/N~ (Double Impact - The force of power of anyone's action can be double, if they are nearby her. That includes her familiars and her own attacks.
Neutralize Zone - She can create a barrier that cancels out any magic, except for her own. Even familiars are forced to disappear. Physical attacks are all that are permitted.)

He teaches Parson ways to become even more invisible than before with an even more forbidden technique than what his brother taught him. (Mist Doppelganger, Smokescreen, & Dissipate)

Alexia flies to the cutthroat mountain with permission of her tutor to pay a visit to the guardian and it's daughter. They accept her contract  due her brother healing them and diffusing a dangerous situation back at the beginning of the year.  They form a contract and the bird transforms into a humanoid demon named,"Lillian (Lilly) Cutthroat." Magenta electricity & plasma magic.

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