Chapter Twenty Three

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Picture of Josh Hutcherson as Aleks to the side


In the pervious chapter...

Tyler nearly killed Sam for disrespecting him and his pack. He also was angry that Sam kept talking to Carter.

Carter found out about a secret that Tyler, Aleks, and pretty much everyone was keeping from her.

Carter and Aleks have the same father, they're half brother and sister. Delilah - the girl that Carter met in the bathroom the day her and Tyler met - is her half sister.

Carter finally stood up for herself and let some steam off. She put Sam in his place for talking to Tyler the way he did. She also said the 'f' word but none of you noticed. (I laugh.)

Carter is expected to shift once her and Ty fully mate. (Saucy, I know.)

Carter is a genetic mutation called the Alexandria Genesis which means she never gets sun burnt or tans, she doesn't grow hair anywhere below her neck, she's lives long, and she'll have purple eyes when she's in wolf form.

AG's have protectors. Sam used to be Carter's protector but when she nearly killed herself, she actually died. The only reason she came back is because Alysia -the moon goddess- sent her back. Aleks is now Carter's protector.

Aiden, the rogue that was let in the pack was working for the rogues that attacked the pack twice. He died. His four year old daughter is now orphaned and living with her aunt.

Carter has to tell Tyler that Sam kissed her and Liam has been acting like a teenage boy going through puberty and can't keep it in his pants.

Carter Kelly's P.O.V

"Psst, Carter."A small hand taps on my shoulder. "Wake up!"

"Five more minutes, Ty."I groan and turn my face into the pillow.

"Carter!"The hand shakes me. "Your boyfriend snoring on da couch."

I blink my eyes open to see Lizzie sitting on the bed next to me. I rub my eyes and prop myself up on my elbows.


"Come on! I show you!"Lizzie grabs my hand and starts to pull me. I quickly get to my feel and follow her as she leads me down the hall and into the living room to see Tyler sleeping on the sectional.

"He slept out here last night..."I mutter to myself.

He thought I was too upset to let him sleep in our bed. This is one of the many reasons my Tyler is so good for me, he doesn't want to over step any boundaries, he doesn't want to make me angry.

"Lizzie, can you go brush your teeth and change?"I ask. "Tyler will make some breakfast once he wakes up."

"But...What about my hair?"Lizzie asks. "Mommy always did my hair every morning."

"Oh, sweetheart..."I take a deep breath. Her mother was killed by rogues just like Aiden was. This poor girl. "I can do your hair before we eat, okay?"

"Okay."She nods and skips back to my room.

I quickly go back to Tyler and I's room and brush my teeth and redo my hair before walking back into the living room. I sit down on the sectional right next to Tyler, shaking him slightly.

"Ty? Wake up."I squeeze his shoulder a little bit as I shake him. "Tyler?"

He groans and cracks his eyes open. He smiles a little bit when he sees me before he runs a hand through his hair.

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