Chapter Twenty Six

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Picture of Dylan O'Brien as Sam to the side.

Alpha Tyler Evans P.O.V.

I often find it sad that we can't see things through each other's eyes. We all agree on a feeling that a beautiful sunset gives us, but we don't truly know what that feeling is like for every person. We all agree on a feeling a certain song gives us, but we don't truly know what the lyrics mean to one another. We all agree on a feeling called love, but it's so magically unexplainable and different for each person, that no one will truly understand what it's like.

Loving Carter is, well, easy. There's never been a moment where I questioned falling in love with her. It's almost as if each day I gradually began to fall for her more and more. I look at her and I see my heart. I hold her and I have my whole world in my arms. I'm with her and suddenly I'm home.

I've thought about these things a lot lately, wanting desperately to know what my girl is feeling. She doesn't speak her emotions or wear them on her face, but, if you pay attention, you can see them in her eyes.

Lately, the words 'I love you' will come out of my mouth and I'll see a struggle in her eyes. She's fighting something, wanting to reply with something, but never does.

Before this whole Sam business came around, I'm positive that she was almost going to say it back. I could see the word form on her lips, but she didn't get the chance to voice it.

I'd never push her or hint for her to say it back. I'd never beg for her to reply or ask her how she truly felt. With everything that she's been through, I'm letting her go at her own pace - one step at a time. I thought that as long as she knew how I felt, as long as I told her that I loved her, that it would be alright.

It's just that recently... Not getting a response has killed me.

I know that she cares and with the way we've been progressing, she might say it back soon, it just sucks for the moment because I've heard her say that she loves that pup multiple times with the short time he's been here.

"He's the reason we're away from her right now."Benjamin growls.

"Calm down, we'll be back home soon."I tell him.

"This doesn't feel right."

I ignore his last comment, I know she's safe at home. Plus, I'd rather she not see her ex best friend be interrogated today. Sam refuses to speak a word to anyone until he gets to speak to my girl.

No mother fucking way will I let that happen. I've seen Sam get angry a couple times over the past few weeks. Some of my men tried to go in and ask him questions on which group of rogues he came from, when he was denied the ability to see Carter, he went rogue. His eyes turned red and he nearly shifted right then and there. If it weren't for the fact he was chained down with wolfsbane enlaced silver chains, they would've been torn to shreds.

There's no way in hell I would let my baby go in that room.

After arriving to the pack house and traveling down into the basement where our interrogation rooms are housed, I find Landon sitting on a tall stool outside of one of the rooms with one way glass. He's looking intensely at Sam as Aleks gives him medication and checks him over to make sure he's alright.

I've seen some of the other packs' interrogation rooms. They're barbaric. People are chained to stone walls in rusty old cells and are beaten to death until they confess whatever information they were holding.

We don't work like that. Just because we're half animal, doesn't mean we have to act like one all the time. Some Alphas have the audacity to actually wonder why humans hunt them... I think the answer is rather obvious. It may have to do with the fact that their men are being tortured constantly by supernatural beings that have an extreme advantage over the average human.

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