Exhibit A

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It was Sunday afternoon. Octavia was sitting at the kitchen counter finishing up a geometry assignment while I wrote out some bills. Her phone suddenly chimed, and she paused in her calculations to glance at it. She hit her palm against the countertop to draw my attention and signed, "It's Charlotte."

"What did she say?" I asked and she looked back down at her phone replying, "She's wondering if I'm coming home tonight or if I'm going to school with Tawnie."

I glanced back down at my checkbook and said, "Tell her you're going to school with Tawnie. Then text Tawnie to make sure she knows what's what." Octavia slapped the counter again and signed, "Duh." I smiled and stuffed a check for the cell phone bill into an envelope.

"Should I tell her now that I don't plan on coming home at all?" Octavia inquired and I considered her for a moment tapping my pen against the counter. Finally, I shrugged and said, "That's up to you. Do you think she'll be more agreeable in person?"

Octavia sighed and said, "I'll have to text either way. She's made absolutely no effort to learn ASL. When Augie isn't around to translate, she makes me text." I made a sound of sympathy. Octavia glanced down at her phone and tapped out a reply before continuing, "On the other hand, my crocodile tears and puppy dog eyes have absolutely no effect over the phone."

I thought for a moment writing out Sissy's car insurance payment and setting my pen aside. I looked at Octavia and asked, "Do you have a guidance counselor?" Octavia nodded and replied, "Yeah, a Dryad named Sýko. I have to meet with him every month or so because of my disability. He likes to make sure my needs are being met." She paused for a moment and looked down at her half-finished assignment. After a moment, she continued, "I had to meet with him recently actually because of my...well, you know, the school found out about my dad...dying."

I shifted uncomfortably and cleared my throat saying, "Maybe you could talk to him about your situation. Tell him that, while your aunt and cousins have been very kind and generous, you just don't feel safe in that neighborhood. The fact that he is a Mythic may work in your favor. If you tell him that there are people handing out pamphlets for the Iron Lance and that several boys were arrested for hate crimes, he may see fit to have you removed from the household. If the school intervenes, Charlotte won't have a choice."

Octavia nodded and after a brief pause, said, "What if they put me in foster care?" I shrugged and smiled softly saying, "I wouldn't mind completing the thirty-hour training program required to become a foster parent."

Octavia blinked in surprise before a wide grin spread across her face and she signed, "You've given this a bit of thought." I laughed and retorted, "I may have fallen down an internet hole or two." She hit the table in excitement and signed, "It would be so cool to have you as a foster dad...a little weird considering you only look a few years older than me but totally..." her hands suddenly stilled and after a moment she asked, "Can Mythics foster human children?"

"There aren't technically any rules against it. I know a couple Sylphs, they're regulars at my vet's office, that foster human and Mythic children. They've done so for decades. It's their way of making the world a better place...of doing something worthwhile with their immortality," I said, and Octavia nodded signing, "That's wonderful, but Sylphs are..." she thought, "Air elementals, right?" I nodded. She continued, "Sylphs are Lights. Are Darks allowed to foster human children?" I sighed at the arbitrary classification and replied, "Again, there aren't any rules against it, but I couldn't find an instance where it had actually happened."

I shook my head and said, "Regardless, you talk to your guidance counselor, and I'll go ahead with this parenting course. It doesn't hurt to be prepared."

"Speaking of being prepared, don't you have to have some home interview thing where an official checks out your situation?" Octavia inquired and I nodded replying, "The home study, yeah. It usually takes three to six months, but I might be able to make a few calls and expedite-" Octavia shook her head and I cut off. She looked me straight in the eye and signed, "You might want to tell your sister about the home study well in advance."

My eyes widened and my face paled. Octavia grimaced and I mumbled, "Yeah, I didn't think about that. I'll make sure she cleans up her room and wears something presentable when the social worker or whoever comes to conduct the study."

"You should probably tell her not to flirt with the person, too," Octavia said and I nodded muttering, "I might tell her not to speak at all. For as brilliant as my sister is she can be a little clueless when it comes to matters of propriety." At that moment, Sissy walked into the kitchen wearing nothing but a thong and a push up bra.

"Chase, which do you like better? The gold or the red?" she asked holding up two mini bodycon dresses. I sighed and muttered, "Exhibit A." Octavia stifled a laugh and Sissy glanced between us waving the dresses emphatically.

"The red, Sis, always," I said after a moment and Octavia nodded in agreement. Sissy grinned and spun on her heel flouncing back to her room. 

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