The Other Part Without Chase

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"Oh my God!"

                                                            "It's Parker!"

"Look over here!"

                                                                    "Can I get a pic with you?"

                       "Autograph my backpack!"

                                                                                              "Autograph my notebook!"

                                    "Autograph my face!"




The crowd swarmed around Taylor, Sissy and the motorcycle all but plowing over Octavia leaving her lost in the throng.

There were people taking photos with their phones, shoving things at Taylor to be signed and he was loving it. The air around him was nearly sparking with electricity as he sucked up their adoration like a fame hungry vacuum cleaner.

"I thought Taylor Golan was a nerdy red head guy."

"No he's definitely that blond surfer dude from Deepest Night."

"Obviously not! He's smoking hot Parker!"

"I thought Taylor Golan was a chick. My sister has a poster of her as that deer lady with the great tits."

"Maybe he's all of the above! You know what they can do with movie makeup!"

                                                                         "Or maybe he's a Mythic!"

                "Taylor! Are you a Mythic?

                                                                              "What kind are you?"

"The amazing kind!"

                                                 "Sign my face!"

Taylor posed for a few pictures, gave a few hugs, signed lunch boxes, backpacks, binders, and yes, a few faces before he finally replaced his sunglasses and said, "Alright, guys, that's enough. I gotta take my friend Octavia home."

Cue everyone turning to stare at Octavia. She blushed madly and made her way through the suspiciously murmuring mob towards Sissy and Taylor.

"Are you dating Octavia?!" A girl shrieked. It was one of the mean girls from that mornings altercation. Maybe Harmony. Tawnie looked like she wanted to say something offensive but she refrained.

"Don't let my manager hear you say that or I'll lose my contract," he said with a smirk and Octavia and everyone was incredibly aware of the fact that he didn't deny that he was dating Octavia.

                                                                      "Then who's that other lady?"

                                    "She's super hot!"

                                                                                       "Hot? She's gorgeous!"

                                                  "She's a goddess!"

The crowd's attention abruptly shifted from Taylor and Octavia to Sissy whose aura was pulsing with lusty red light. Taylor laughed and grabbed Octavia by the hand hopping onto his bike and slinging her on behind him.

He handed her his helmet and said, "Hold on tight!" She put on the helmet and cautiously wrapped her arms around Taylor's torso. The last thing she saw was the mob coalescing around Sissy several people shouting, "MARRY ME!!" before the motorcycle revved loudly and sped down the street.

She was breathless with joy clinging to the person who played her favorite television character, possibly her favorite character period. This was just like the mid-season finale for season one where Parker swept his new partner Kimiko onto his motorcycle and sped off through the city to do some perfect justice.

If she could she would be squealing like the deranged fangirl she was.

They made it back to Center Park in a matter of minutes. Taylor drove like Parker did; recklessly ignoring speed limits and stop signs weaving around cars and bicycles.

It was terrifying and thrilling and Octavia was surprised to find she was still alive at the end. She thought she might have had several small heart attacks along the way partially from Taylor's maniacal driving and partially because she was hanging onto him with a death grip feeling his heartbeat against her chest.

They left the motorcycle in the underground garage and rode the elevator up to the sixth floor. When they reached the apartment Taylor pulled out a set of keys and unlocked the door.

Octavia turned to look at Taylor and signed, "Thank you so much for picking me up and driving me home. I really really appreciate it."

Taylor nodded and replied, "No problem. Sorry about the mob at your school. Sometimes I can't help myself." She shook her head frantically and gestured, "It's no big deal, but tomorrow I'll probably have a bunch of losers clamoring to be my friend because they think I know you."

"You do know me," he said removing his shades and smiling adorably. She scoffed and retorted, "I just met you yesterday." He shrugged and said, "I'm not that complicated."

She tried to giggle but it came out like a strangled gasp and he couldn't stifle a laugh. She blushed and signaled, "Thanks again." She stepped inside the doorway and looked back at him. He handed her Sissy's house keys and muttered, "I better go save Sissy...or save the high schoolers from her."

She tried laughing and watched him until he disappeared around the corner before shutting the apartment door. 

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