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The walk home was extremely awkward. Who would've thought in a world full of vampire history teachers and centaur movie directors the young man with a teenage girl slung over his shoulder is the one who gets weird looks.

Halfway home I was stopped by a police officer who made me show him my ID card...which was kind of difficult to dig out of the pocket of my ridiculously tight leather pants.

When he saw that I was an incubus he became even more suspicious. Our reputations were almost as bad as vampires. I had never been stopped by the police before and since he knew what I was he was careful not to touch me which meant that I couldn't use my least not all of it.

He gave my ID back and asked why I had an unconscious teenage girl over my shoulder. Feeding on minors was illegal. A lot of Mythics did it anyway. If you got caught and the minor was still alive you got fined. If the minor was dead you got jail time even if you hadn't exceeded your allowance.

There was nothing for it, but the truth.

"She got into a shouting match with a Mythic and said some pretty rude things. He got upset so I knocked her out before she could say anything worse. Now I'm taking her home," I said and he raised an eyebrow at me.

"Is she yours?" he asked and I shook my head.

"She's my roommate," I said. According to Mythic law claiming minors was perfectly legal. Human law...not so much. Humans had to give consent before they were claimed and apparently individuals under the age of eighteen didn't have the mental wherewithal to make that decision.

"Where do you live?" he asked. I sighed and adjusted Octavia on my shoulder. She wasn't heavy but she was a bit awkward to carry. She would be waking up soon.

"Center Park Apartments, about half a block that way," I replied nodding in the direction I was going.

"I'll walk with you. It's part of my beat anyway," he said with a smile though I was very certain he was walking in the opposite direction when I met him. I sighed again and muttered, "Alright."

I continued on my way, uncomfortably aware of the young beat cop at my side. Most cops were human. Some had special abilities like clairvoyance, telepathy or telekinesis. There were a few Mythics on the force, but if you feed off humans you are automatically prohibited from joining the police academy.

We reached my apartment building and I glanced at the officer.

"Well this is me. Thanks for walking with us," I said with an awkward smile.

"What floor are you on?" he asked.

"Six, why?"

"I'll walk up with you."

"Uh, no. I think we're good," I said. Cop dude was starting to creep me out. He stared at me and I sighed.

"I promise I'm not gonna eat her. She's my friend,"

He laughed uncomfortably and I realized that Sissy had the house keys in her purse. I walked over to the panel near the door and pressed a button with a buzz.

"Yeah?" a voice asked with a yawn.

"Hey, Taylor, it's me, Chase from next door. I forgot my keys, can you buzz me in?" There was a long pause and then the voice asked, "Who?" I sighed and muttered, "Sissy's brother."

"Oh hey! Yeah, I'll buzz you in, no problem. Is Sissy with you?" the voice asked. I pressed the button and replied, sharper than intended, "No. Let me in."

"Fine, grumpy," the voice muttered and the door unlocked. I held it open and glanced back at the officer.

"If you're really worried run my ID number. I never met my allowance even before the system was put in place. I'm not like that," I said and he looked at me suspiciously.

"Yeah, you are kind of chill for an incubus, not that I've ever met one, but I figured you'd be more..." he trailed off and I think he blushed. I made myself laugh and said, "That's what everyone says." 

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