05: Please🙏🏾

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Sandra left a last look at him to see his pleading eyes when she turned to walk away.

Sandra was lying on her bed with her phone in hand when her mother walked in with some fruits in hand.

"You want?" She asked and Sandra nodded, she dropped the plate of fruits on her nightstand and sat on the bed next to her.

"Why didn't you stay to teach your student today, is anything the problem?" Ruth asked, taking an apple slice and pushing it into her mouth.

"I don't want to anymore"

"Sandra, don't be foolish, you saw a way to make money and you're throwing it off."

"Mummy, he tried to touch me! He goes around sleeping with girls up and down and he was targeting me, the whole tutoring thing was just to get into my legs."

"Ah! Did he do anything? Why didn't you tell me earlier?!"

"No he didn't do anything but I am definitely not teaching him anymore. Mummy, you know Aisha, the one you buy fish from? He slept with her and her mom caught them."

"Ah! Aisha? The same Aisha that I saw yesterday? Innocent Aisha. He slept with her? Some people are just set to ruin people's lives. But I saw her today I think, when I passed boundary market."

"She didn't come to school today, some people said her mother beat her half to death and she's in the hospital."

"Ah! Don't even near him again. If he tries anything, report!"

"I know."


After her mom had left, she ate the fruit and tapped on her phone when it buzzed and a message popped on her phone.

From Unknown:
I'm sorry, those rumors are all lies. If you don't want to tutor me anymore, I understand but please don't chase me away😟😥
- 9:37am

She immediately knew who sent the message, "Gregory! Who even gave him my number?" She asked herself, she hadn't saved his number and she didn't give him hers so how could he have gotten it.

'I can't believe I got feelings for him. Woman-wrapper' she thought and deleted the message.

From Unknown:
Forgive me, please🙏🏾
- 9:42am

"Mtcheeew..." She hissed and dropped the phone on the bed while grabbing the empty plate to drop it back in the kitchen.

She returned back to see a bouquet of white flowers and roses laying on her bed. She rushed towards it with furrowed brows and picked it up to see a thousand-naira-notes wrapped around each rose which amounted to five and on her phone was a note.

-An expression of my love.

"Ah! How did this boy get into my room?" She turned around and scanned the room to see the window open completely and her closed curtains left open, "wha- ehh! They have now started to use my window."

From Unknown:
Beautiful flowers for a beautiful lady😚
- 9:55am

She called him and didn't allow him to speak before frustratingly saying.

"Greg! Do not text me again. I don't like you, accept it! Leave me alone! I don't want to teach you anymore, stop sending me flowers! Don't come into my house again! Just leave me alone! Ah!" Then she cut it off without letting him speak.

Another text she received-

From Unknown:
Finally heard your voice again🥳
- 10:01am

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