28: Fear

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What is that? Is it a plane? Is it a billion dollars? No! Even better! It's an update!


I couldn't believe it, I just couldn't.

I couldn't believe that after all these years, I'm seeing him again. That he had the audacity! The gut! The effrontery, the shameless boldness! The temerity! The outdaciousness! The mind! To call me that stupid nickname again and beg me to just forget everything.

I released tears as I walked out of the restaurant while I could hear him calling after me. I knew he was behind me so I held back my sobs and increased my pace when I felt my hand being grabbed and goosebumps erupted on my skin.

I couldn't face him looking this way, "let go of me!" I said, shaking my hand off while refusing to turn my head to him.

"Please Beautiful, I'm really-"

"Just leave me alone!" I turned to face him and broke into hiccups which led to sobs, he looked confused. I dragged my hand off and ran to my car.

"Beautiful!! Beautiful!" I heard him shout after me but I pressed on the accelerator and sped off.

I was scared and I was scarred. I couldn't believe I held myself in front of him without screaming, crying or throwing off different things and having a panic attack.

Seeing him again brought back the fear I had tried so hard to keep calm, the pains and scars I had tried so hard to cover up and the memories I had tried so hard to bury.

He looked as handsome as ever, not so womanizer looking anymore but... More mature. He had kept a beard which made him look hotter and his figure had gotten larger, his shoulders broader and his voice deeper. I couldn't keep my eyes off him even as I tried to convince myself I was over him, why would I still have feelings for him? The one who raped me?!

He was sure still as shameless as to ogle at me and make me feel aware of my body, his eyes always trailing to my chest and his brows furrowing. I understood what was happening. His lower body was probably on fire, as usual, he couldn't control himself and he wanted to rape me again! I was so scared, but I surprisingly handled it.

I couldn't even see the road due to tears, I was crying so hard by now. I was still scared, what if he was following me? Oh no!

I drove faster as I tried to shun everything, all the memories of him.

I found myself in front of my therapist.

"It's okay, it's okay... Just let it all out." She said as I cried.

"I was so scared... I just..." I bursted into tears again, "I recalled everything! Everything!" I said and she patted my back.

"It's okay, sorry ehn. Pele oh." She said and I nodded while she sighed, "and you were doing great recovering, I was just about to tell you that you no longer need therapy..." She mumbled and I burst into tears again.

It was 5pm and I was in front of James' new house.

He said he didn't want to live with his parents anymore so he got a house of his own.

The gate opened automatically and I ran in, "James! James!" I called when I was inside and he came out from the kitchen.

"Hey, what's wrong baby?" He asked as I approached him, "were you crying? Why are your eyes red?" He asked and I ran into his arms.

"James...." I cried while he patted my back. "I saw him today... I saw him..."

"You saw who?"

"Him... Greg."

"Who's Greg?"

"The one... Who... Who... Who raped me." I cried.

"Oh... Wow... Are... Are you okay?" He asked.

"No I'm not James, I'm not. I can't go home like this, I can't let the triplets see me this way..." I said.

"Oh I'm so...Sorry... you can stay over." He said, pulling me and him to the couch.

I hurriedly called my mom to tell her I was going to spend the night at James', she was worried at the tone of my voice and asked if everything was okay, I told her I was fine. I talked with the triplets and promised them I was coming back home tomorrow.

I laughed at James' cheeky remark as he took me to the cinema room in his house.

Yes, he had a cinema room and yes, we were going to watch a movie, a Korean movie, Vincenzo. I loved anything Korean related and BTS related. They were just so cute.

I was engrossed in the movie but I knew James was definitely not interested in it.

"Wow! He actually sprayed pig's blood on him and applauded?" I bursted into laughter, "serves him right." I commented.

"Wow, just look at this side profile! Wow! Wow! Wow!" I exclaimed.

"What?" James asked.

"Vincenzo is so handsome..." I said and James chuckled.

"Is he more handsome than me?" He asked and I squinted my eyes and pouted my lips while pretending to think.

"Infact, that's an easy question. Of course he is!" I said and he pushed me off.

"Me? Your boyfriend!" He exclaimed and I laughed and threw him a piece of popcorn, he pulled me close and tickled me, "oya, who is finer? Me or him?"

"Okay... Okay... Okay! You are finer! You are the most handsome!... Most handsome!" I said and he suddenly stopped tickling me and was scanning my face, "what? Is there anything on my face?" I asked and he shook his head.

"You're just so beautiful..." He said and leaned forward while his eyes darted to my lips and he suddenly kissed me.

Seeing that I didn't push him off, he pulled my closer and held my cheeks, deepening the kiss. My eyes were wide in shock but I suddenly closed them and held on to his waist.

I didn't notice when he had me on the ground under him until he pulled out, gasping for air, "James..." I muttered but he didn't reply, he only kissed me again.

I closed my eyes, but this time, Greg's face popped in my head. I screamed and pushed him off, slapping him hard in pure instinct.

So... What do you think? It doesn't look like she's gonna ever forgive Greg.

But anyways, how's her relationship with James going? But don't hate me, I'm trying to make the story realistic. It looks like she's going with James (for now), but her body doesn't quite accept him. We can't say so for her heart, or can we???

Okay, let's create a ship name! Think!
Okay, who do you vote for?

Team Grendra (Greg&Sandra)🚢🌊- say hi!

Team Sames (Sandra&James)🚢🌊- say hey!

Next update- in a few hours!

Thanks for reading.
Love y'all.
So many kisses and hugs-X0X0
-Ya girl Keni! (Okay, imma just go with TCA)

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