23: Godfrey, Arrested

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"Sandra!" Rotimi yelled as she hit Sandra's hand to make the knife fall off. "You want to kill yourself?!"

Sandra fell to the floor and sobbed while picking up the knife, "just let me die! Let me die!" She yelled.

Rotimi pulled off the knife and threw it to the living room. She held Sandra down to prevent her from running after the knife.

She had also had enough of this family. She had mistreated for the years she had been here, unlike Sandra, she had been raped by Godfrey times she couldn't even count.

"Madam! Madam!" She yelled and Uche angrily stomped down.

"What is it?! What happened again? What is this... This useless girl doing here?! Get out of here!" Uche screamed.

"Madam! We both have something to say..."

"What is it? Say it quickly and leave! I am not in the mood for this!"

"For me, I quit!" Rotimi yelled and Uche laughed.

"Timi, I don't have time for jokes. If you have nothing to say, get out!" She had turned to leave when Rotimi's words stopped her.

"I'm not joking! I just can't take it. Your son is a rapist, he has raped me... For years! I told you the first time, you didn't listen and now he has tried to rape Sandra and she has tried to kill herself! Your family is so wicked! Soooo wicked. Everyday it is one mistreatment or another, she is pregnant for Christ's sake! But you all didn't pity her, you are all wicked!" Rotimi said, panting.

"Will you shut up?!" Uche said and ran to slap Rotimi, "how would you raise that your filthy mouth and call my son a rapist?"

"Yes, your son is a rapist! And I quit too!" Sandra said, her eyes were bloodshot from crying.

"Shut up! And get out, if you want to quit, then you can be my guest. Get out! Get out!" She screamed.

The door opened right then and Helen rushed in, "Aunty... Good eve-" she was about to greet when the tension in the air shut her up.

Sandra's parents rushed in after her. "We're here to take back our daughter." Ruth said and rushed to Sandra who had turned to them with wide eyes.

"Aunty, what happened?" Helen asked.

"So he is a rapist too? The police will be arriving soon. No wonder he used to come to the bathroom when I was clearly bathing." Everyone turned to Rebecca who had just pulled her phone from her ear.

"What?!" Uche screamed.

"Yes, your son is a rapist and I reported him." Rebecca said, coming down the stairs.

"Rebecca!" Uche yelled as she ran towards her on the stairs.

"What?! Huh 'mom'? What?! I'm doing the right thing, and I'm moving out too, you can have your son and your house to yourself." Rebecca said.

"Becky! What is wrong with you?!"

"What is wrong with me? What is wrong with you?!" Rebecca screamed and suddenly pushed Uche down the stairs.

Uche hit her head down on the floor and Godfrey pushed past Rebecca to run after her.

"Oh great... The son that didn't even come from your womb can have you care so much for him, even more than your own child!" Rebecca said and came down. "I'm your only child. This rapist that you got from outside shouldn't compare to me!" She said.

"Rebecca!" Helen screamed and came after Rebecca to stop her from making things escalate.

"Sorry madam! Them enter by themselves..." Frank said, coming after the police.

"Who here is Mr Godfrey Dennis?" An officer asked.

Godfrey got up and turned to them in confusion, "any problem officers?"

"Are you Godfrey Dennis?" The police asked and he nodded, "you're under arrest for attempted rape and assault. You are to remain silent, anything you say can and will be used against you in the court of law. You have the right to get an attorney, if you don't have one, they will be gotten for you." He said as he cuffed him up while revealing his badge.

"Sorry sir but it can't be possible..." Uche said as she staggered to the officer.

"Sorry ma, I'm just doing my job. You can visit him in the station." The officer said and passed Godfrey to the others, "take him boys."

"Officer leave him alone! There is no evidence." Uche said.

"But there is, officer, here is the video." Rebecca walked towards them with her phone.

"Rebecca! What has gotten into you? Give me that!" Uche grabbed the phone to see what she was talking about but Rebecca dodged her and handed the phone to the officer.

"This would be used as evidence against Mr Godfrey. Good day." The officer said, walking off with the phone.

"What is that video?" Uche asked.

"The first time he had tried to rape her in the kitchen, I had just come out of the toilet when I heard him." Rebecca said smugly.

Uche had a breakdown and Helen and Mike were comforting her when Rebecca left to her other aunt's house. Rotimi had left after a call with her 'boyfriend'.

Ebuka and Ruth were currently in the living room with Sandra who was crying for the umpteenth time.

"Oh my child, he tried to rape you. I'm so sorry." Ruth said, placing Sandra's head on her lap.

Ebuka's hand formed a fist, "it's a good thing he was arrested." He said.

Ruth suddenly got on her knees, "nwa m, biko gbaghara m. Amam ihe m mere gi. O kwesiri m inonyere gi. Biko ehn, biko gbaghara m." She pleaded
(My child, please forgive me. I know what I did to you, I should've been there for you. Please ehn, please forgive me.)

Ebuka also got on his knees, "o di m nwute nke nwa m, anaghi m eche echiche nke one, biko gbaghara m."
(I'm so sorry my child, I wasn't thinking straight, please forgive me.)

Sandra cleaned her tears and pulled them up, "please don't kneel down in front of me. I have forgiven you a long time ago." She cried on her dad's chest and he patted her back.

"We couldn't bear without you." He said, "Felix has gone back to the university but he says you should call him immediately... You're 18 now, right? Let's go home and celebrate your birthday."

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