29: Will You Marry Me?

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"I-I... I didn't..." I stuttered while he got up and offered me a hand.

"It's alright." He said, though I knew he was hurt.

"James... I- It wasn't intentional, I promise." I said and he offered a forced smile.

"Don't worry about it."

"I'm sorry." I said when I got up and he turned away.

"I'll go get some more popcorn." He said, I turned to see all the popcorn scattered on the floor, must have been when we kissed.

I ran after him to hug him, "James..." I placed my cheek on his back and heard him sigh, "I'm sorry. We could... Try that again..." I said, even though the moment was ruined.

"I don't think your body would allow that." He said, moving out but I held him tightly.

"Okay, okay, I'm sorry babe... It won't happen again, I was just triggered and..." He got my hands off his waist and turned to me.

"It's my fault, I shouldn't have done that with all you went through today-"

"No! It's mine! I shouldn't have slapped you and I shouldn't have led you on." I said and he smiled.

"We're good." He said, engulfing me in a hug.

I pushed him off, laughing, "now go get the popcorn! We're not done with the movie." I said and turned around.

I went back home to meet the triplets and make them know I was fine. Had some dinner and headed to the company, took Tabitha out when as she said,

"Mommy, I'm bowed, the house is soooow bowing and Bawbie has gone to sleep. I want to go ourt..." She said and we went out, when we returned, she said...

"Mommy, I want a puppy."



"I can't take care of it," I just imagined handling a dog, the love, the company and then there was the feeding, the poop. Absolutely not!

"Okie-dokie!..." She appeared in deep contemplation, then suddenly said, "I want a sibling! A giwl, then both of us wiw play princess and tea pawty and tawk about Bawbie..." She continued going on and on but I had froze.

I couldn't birth a child again. I had no womb. And it was all because of that idiot! That bastard by the name Greg! (-1 in Grendra)

That had ruined my mood but I had to prepare for my date with Greg.

I went with a white top and a body hugging overalls-pencil-skirt with a purse and some Jordans.👇🏾

"Mommy! Daddy James is hew!" I heard Tabitha's voice call for me from the living room

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"Mommy! Daddy James is hew!" I heard Tabitha's voice call for me from the living room.

She always called him, 'daddy James' even when I had told her to simply call him 'daddy', maybe she also knew he wasn't her father?

I walked out and met with James tickling Tabitha while her brothers were glaring daggers at him.

"I'm here." I said, dusting invisible dirt on my skirt.

"Oh..." James lifted his gaze to land them on me, "wow... You look-"

"Beawtifuw!! Now bye-bye mommy, go enjoy youwsewf with daddy James..." Tabitha was chasing me away as she walked to sit with her brothers and James got up to walk to me, his eyes glinted as he scanned my figure.

He stretched out his elbow for me to incline my hand into it and I giggled and followed.

"Wow, look at you two." I heard my mom say and I turned to her, blushing under my dark skin. "Okay, off you go." She said and James dragged me out and into his car to drive away for the date.

It was a 4.4-star restaurant in Victoria Island and I looked around confused when I saw no one occupied the other seats.

"Is there something wrong?" James asked, stopping his conversation.

"Oh, no... Okay, why are there no people? Don't you think we're gonna get kidnapped? The waiter has been staring at us there for the past 30 minutes, it's terrifying!" I said.

He laughed gently, "we're not going to get kidnapped, because I booked the whole restaurant." He said and I furrowed my brows.

"Why? That's too much money. If you wanted privacy, then we could have gone to another restaurant, they provide rooms there." I said but he only chuckled and said,

"Just one minute, I have to use the restroom." He got up to leave and I scanned the room while holding on to my thighs and making a fist with my hand, I was really scared.

I was shocked when the lights went off and my fear increased, "uhm James?" I whispered but he wasn't here.

I had already picked up my bag and turned over my seat to run for my life, when the lights were positioned to one spot, and some men dressed with suits were playing Perfect by Ed Sheeran with violins and the waitresses were singing and one came to me with a smile and handed me a rose.

Suddenly, I saw James walking up to me with a ring in hand. I was sitting on the chair and he got on one knee in front of me, my right hand went to clasp on my mouth and I gasped in surprise, "James!"

"Sandra Johnson..." He revealed the big diamond ring and I got up, "please do make me the happiest man on Earth and marry me..." He said, looking up at me with a smile.

"Say yes... Say yes..." Were the words coming from the people around me.


Woah! Who expected that?! What will she say?

Sames ship is sailing peacefully🚢 while Grendra(it sounds like an old person's name) ship is sinking🏴‍☠️. Don't hate me ohhhh...

Team Grendra- say hi!
Team Sames- say hey!

Wow! Who has this type of guy? That can propose like this? Soooo romantic😍... But I'm still a Grendra supporter!😤

And all those ghost readers... Pls, I don't use my data to write for you and not get a vote in return, it's really discouraging😟 and I'm thinking of putting this book on another platform, what would you think of that. I honestly know it's so frustrating to be paying a huge amount of money to just read another chapter which is why I just left it here but I'm seriously considering it right now, so please🥺 vote, comment and share. Ohh and it's a must to follow (I'll return it).

Like I said earlier, I want to be done and dusted with this story so there will be quick updates. Next update tomorrow.

Well anyways, thanks for reading.
Love y'all.
-TCA (BTW it's That Crazy Author)

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