18: Wash My Clothes

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Sandra's POV

I was lying on my bed, feeling miserable and trying to stop thinking about what had happened like a week ago.

Now, I've just been avoiding the whole family. I didn't want to see or talk to anyone, I just wanted to rethink my life choices on my own.

It had been just four months. Four months since the incident. Four months since my life changed. Four months since he left my life. Four months since I had three people growing inside me. Four months since my life became hell. Four months since I moved into this hellhole. Four months since I last saw my family.

A tear drop slipped down my cheek. I missed them so much. I could remember, I could remember just how my dad used to celebrate my birthday and my mom used to call me to do chores and I would groan but now... They just hate me. They wouldn't want to have a daughter like me.

Unfortunately, I could also remember HIM. The him whose name was never to be mentioned again. The him who broke me. The him who I thought loved me. The him who showed me different sides of life. The him who took my virginity. The him who left his children with me and ran away. The him who used to call me 'beautiful' and make my melanin almost fail in fighting my blush. The him who would tease me and kiss me. The him who slapped me while he tortured me. The him who raped me! The him who violently took me and didn't care how much I bled underneath him but only cared how much satisfaction he got from my body. The him who made my life how miserable it is now. The him I want to never meet again!

I stuffed my face into my pillow to stop myself from shaking and to try to control my anxiety when I suddenly felt nauseous.

I ran to the toilet to throw up my breakfast.

Cleaning up, I didn't understand what got me morning sickness. It hadn't been this way normally, I thought my pregnancy was going to be a smooth journey but for the past week, I had been having back pains, morning sickness, consistent nausea and extreme mood swings.

"Sister Sandra, you don dey vomit again?" I heard Frank ask from outside the toilet, "abeg, I wan piss oh... Do quick! Quick!"

I hurriedly got out of the toilet and Frank rushed in.

"Sandra! Sandra!" I heard Rotimi call out to me and I turned to see her limping with a big bucket fully stacked with clothes in hand.

I almost burst into laughter. She looked like an old woman now.

"What?!" I asked, coming after her as she went to the backyard to drop the bucket.

"Miss Rebecca said you should wash these her clothes..." She replied, turning to look at me with a smirk.

"What?!" I asked.

"Don't look at me like that, I'm not the one who told you to do that. Abeg, no come kill me oh..." She said.

"But... This is your job." I complained, blocking her way.

"I said it before, I'm not the one who told you to do it oh, I just went inside and she told me to give you the clothes to wash." She said.

"What happened to the washing machine?" I asked.

"She said it needs hand washing and I don't know how to do my work well so you would be the best option. Sorry eh!" Rotimi said and moved away from me to leave, before turning back, "and it needs to be done in an hour oh, and dried!" She said.

Cursing under my breath, I walked into the house. I was soooooo not in the mood for this right now.

"Miss Rebecca! Miss Rebecca! Please come down!" I screamed and a scoff followed before Rebecca's figure came down. She was on a body hugging short gown and when I say short, I mean almost revealing her bum.

I don't normally throw insult but I've just got to say, is she starving herself? She looks a like a broom, making her have straight hip-bones that totally killed the beauty of the gown and she's got rotten skin on her thighs. Why exactly is she wearing this? To scare men away?!

"What do you want?!" She asked rudely.

"Sorry, but Rotimi said you told me to wash your clothes."

"And?" She asked and I scoffed.

"And?! That is not my job! I get paid to cook, not to clean." I really don't know where I got this strength from, maybe my mood swings.

"Aunty you better shut up your mouth there. I don't care what you get paid to do, as long as you're living under my roof..." When did it become your roof?! "... And you work for me, then you do whatever I ask you to! So be a good poor and pregnant retched maid and go follow instructions!" She turned to leave.


"Shut up your mouth! You really have no manners! Look at you, you were disowned right?" She asked and bursted into laughter right after, "why wouldn't they disown you? When you're useless like this. Cook, you don't even know how to..." What?! "Clean, you don't know how to. Read, you don't know how to. Sense, you don't have but you know how to spread your legs. Will you get out of my front and go and wash the clothes?! Be useful for once!" She yelled and tears stung my eyes as she walked away.

I bit back all the words I wanted to say. It was true though, I worked for her family and I had to do what I had to do. I turned to get to work.

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