Start it Up

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It was a beautiful Saturday Chicago morning when our tale began. Many people were at a Chicago train station, waiting for the next train when three 13-year-old kids came up to them. One of them was a girl with dark tan skin brown hair and eyes named Rocky. Her best friends were a girl named CeCe, who was quite short with fiery red hair, and a boy named Brooks, a boy with medium skin and dark blonde hair that was always messy. Rocky carried her speaker and an iPod while CeCe carried a hat for people to put money in.

"Good morning..." Rocky said.

"Ladies..." CeCe added.

"And gentlemen," Brooks finished.

"We are here for your commuting entertainment," Rocky explained to their audience.

"If you like us," CeCe said, handing a gentleman the hat, "please give us a dollar. If you don't like us..."

"Who is she kidding?" Brooks laughed. "You're gonna love us. Rocky, hit it." Rocky then set the speaker down and turned on a song. The three then started dancing, busting out some impressive moves as the artist started singing through the piece of technology on the subway floor.

"Take a little moment to relieve our intention

"Lose yourself to somebody else

"Your mind's the creator and your body's the extension

The hat was passed around the crowd as the three best friends continued to bust a move.

"Hit me there, I'll get it back

"If I scratch your back, you need to scratch mine

"You need to get yours, I need to get mine!"

Rocky, CeCe, and Brooks then all grabbed members of the audience to join them in the dance after showing them what to do. They all then started to dance, everyone starting to smile and have fun. The audience members then rejoined the large group as the two girls and Brooks finished the dance, getting applause from the people waiting for the train. A man then walked up to Rocky and handed her the hat.

"How'd we do?" CeCe asked. "How'd we do?" Rocky then reached into the piece of headwear and removed its treasure.

"It's a stinking dime," Rocky said.

"What kind of insane sicko gives three cool teenage dancers they just met at the train station a dime when they asked for a dollar?" Brooks asked as he inspected the coin and threw it back into the hat.

"Oh, come on, people!" CeCe said, turning back to the crowd. "Yesterday there was a guy here with a psychic cat. His name was Mittens, and even I gave him a dollar."

"So let's try this again, people," Rocky said, handing the hat to a crowd member. "I'm Rocky. Over there is CeCe, and he's Brooks, and we're the only ones in our class that don't have cell phones."

"Plus we need operations," CeCe added. Brooks then walked up to an attractive woman with a sad expression and a hand over his heart.

"Think of the kids," he said to the woman and everyone near her. The three teens then regrouped as an elderly woman handed Rocky the hat.

"How did we do this time?" CeCe asked. Rocky then looked inside and broke the hard news.

"Someone stole our dime."

The following Friday, CeCe was just in the apartment she shared with her mom and younger brother, Flynn, getting ready for school as she watched her favorite show from the small TV in the kitchen, Shake it Up, Chicago!

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