Date it Up

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(The time has come. I am so sorry for putting this story on hiatus. I was trying to think of the best way to write it. But now, I got it.

Now, you all shared perfectly good ideas on the previous chapter, with Rocky and Brooks' date being at the movies or to an arcade, or what song Brooks should sing when he confesses to Rocky that he likes her. Here are the results I chose.

From TanukiMike, a date to Navy Pier.

And the song he will sing is "I Think About You", recommended by SonicBlade40kumabear_spits_fire, and knightrider74

I hope you like this chapter. It's my first shot at writing a custom sit-com episode, so I hope it's funny. Here we go.)

The dance music began to play as Rocky, CeCe, and Brooks got ready to dance with the rest of the dancers for Shake it Up, Chicago!

"Light up the floor, play me one more

"Let me hear that click-clack of the hi-hat, let the bass vibrate

"Feel the room rock, light up the floor just like before

"Let me hear that bass drop on the boom box

"Make your heart stop, feel the room rock!

"I'm doin' all I wanna do

"And I won't stop until I can't move

"I'm just bein' me, watch me do me (me, me)

"Watch me do me (me, me)

"Watch me, watch me!"

"Let's hear it for our own Shake it Up, Chicago! dancers!" Gary said enthusiastically as the dancers all began waving as the audience cheered. "Until next, week, I'm Gary Wilde, and this... is Shake it Up, Chicago!" The buzzer then sounded as everyone began walking away.

"That was so awesome!" Rocky cheered.

"Better believe it, baby," CeCe agreed. "Ever since Gary started letting us take center stage for more dances, we've been getting a lot more love."

"Probably because he offered us those roles after I gave him an atomic wedgie," Brooks suggested. The girls thought about it and nodded. That did make more sense. CeCe then walked toward the mirrors to get her stuff with Rocky following. Taking a deep breath, Brooks walked up to her.

"Hey, Rocky," the carnivore said, causing the vegetarian to turn and face him.

"What's up, Brooks?" the brunette said.

"Uh," Brooks said, beginning to stutter, butterflies flying all around in his stomach, "I was... just wondering... if you were busy this week."

"Actually, I do have something coming up. Freddie from homeroom asked me out to dinner Monday night."

"Oh, good, good," Brooks said, trying to make it sound like he was all alright when he wasn't. "So... we're both busy." The two then stood in awkward silence before Gunther walked up to them.

"What are you two lovey-dovey birdies talking about?" Gunther asked Brooks. "Asking Rocky to be your bay-beee?"

"No, no," Brooks said. "Not at all." In reality, he did want to ask Rocky out on a date, but seeing as how Freddie beat him to it, he missed his shot.

"Yeah, that'd be so weird," Rocky said, answering Gunther's question.

"Well, I have to find Tinka," Gunther said. "Bye-bye, bay-beees." He then walked off, leaving Rocky and Brooks in an uncomfortable state of mind.

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