Meatball it Up

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It was another Saturday in Chicago. Brooks, CeCe, and Rocky had just finished up dancing for Shake it Up, Chicago! and Gary was just finishing it up.

" just saw an hour of the hottest dancers in town on Shake it Up, Chicago! Thanks for joining us, and as the French say, see ya next week!" The stage buzzer then rang its voice through the studio, showing the show was done. CeCe then sighed as Gary walked off the stage. The three teens then sniffed the air.

"Do you smell that?" CeCe asked her friends.

"Yeah," Rocky agreed, "someone stinks."

"Stink check," Brooks said. CeCe then grabbed Rocky's hand, Rocky grabbed Brooks' and Brooks grabbed CeCe's. They then sniffed the person to their left followed by their right before letting each other go and pointing to the others.

"It's you two," the three said simultaneously. "No, it's you two."

"It's payday," Gary said as he walked in with the paychecks. He then held them above his head, causing everyone to jump up and try to grab them. "Jump. Jump like your dolphins and I have a bucket of sardines." He then threw them up into the air and everyone scurried about getting theirs as the checks drifted to the ground. CeCe gasped as she made her way over to Rocky and Brooks.

"Wow," she said, "we get to be on TV and they pay us."

"Now if they just paid us to go to school..." Rocky added.

"Or found a way to turn my mom into a woman with a job," Brooks said. Just then, Gunther and Tinka walked past them.

"Oh," CeCe said to her and her friends' enemies. "Hey, what are you guys going to do with your money?"

"What we always do," Gunther said in his German accent, "buy golden shoes and fancy pants." The blonde twins then lifted their legs to show what they were talking about.

"It's called investing in yourself," Tinka said.

"Ka-ching," the twins said as they walked away. Brooks just growled as he punched the air.

"I'm gonna get those two one day," he said. Just then, a group of Asian boys walked in with a tour guide.

"And this is our Shake it Up, Chicago! stage," the guide said. "We've been shooting here for the last 11 years, and right over there are our three newest backup dancers, Rocky, Brooks, and CeCe." The three teens then noticed the group there, so they were polite and walked up to them as they stepped onto the stage.

"Oh," CeCe said. "Do they have Shake it Up in your land?"

"Yeah," the guy in the lead said, "our 'land' is Pittsburgh."

"Oh. Aloha."

"I think my Uncle Joey got arrested in Pittsburgh," Brooks said. The two girls then looked at him with looks of confusion. "What?"

"So you're the new kids, huh?" the kid who said they were from Pittsburgh said.

"Yeah," CeCe answered.

"Well, me and my friends dance a little. Maybe you guys can give us some pointers."

"Sure, but I have to warn you. We're a little advanced."

"But we'll see what you kids got," Rocky added.

"Yo Marco," Brooks said to the DJ. "Drop them something hot." The three then got off the stage as the music started and the five guys took it, entering an entirely choreographed dance routine.

It's been a while

Since all these people done seen me battle

And it cramp my style

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