Hook it Up

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One afternoon, CeCe, Rocky, and Brooks all sat outside their apartment building as a drummer banged on some cans to make music. Standing up and getting the same idea, the three best friends started to dance as Ty came out to take out the trash, shaking something to add more music to the sick beat. Deuce then walked his bike up to the apartment as the drummer handed the dealmaker his sticks, which he used to drum on nearby garbage cans, and his bike as Ty, CeCe, Rocky, and Brooks all began dancing. As they continued to have fun, Flynn walked out to glare at everyone.

"Hey, knock it off!" the third-grader said, causing the music and dancing to stop. "Some of us still like naps." Everyone looked at each other before nodding simultaneously

"And a one, two, three, four!" Brooks counted as the music started up again and they danced.

"Well, it's only fair to tell you that five minutes ago I called the cops," Flynn said, causing the music to stop completely. After sharing looks of worry, everyone booked it away from the building's doorstep as Flynn sat down and helped himself to some of Brooks' lunch, which the boy left on a plate so he could dance. "Suckas!"

A few days later, the brunette, the redhead, and the blonde all walked through the hallways at school, which were surprisingly empty at first.

"I wonder if anyone saw us on Shake it Up, Chicago! Saturday," CeCe said as the three rounded the corner, where they were greeted by a thunder of applause and cheering from fellow students, causing them to smile.

"I'd say they did," Rocky said as the three continued to walk down the hallway. "Is this all for us?"

"Maybe," Brooks answered.

"It's a miracle!" CeCe said. "I don't hate school anymore."

"Me neither!" the blonde prankster said to the short redhead. "Up top!" The two then shared a high-five as Deuce ran up to them with a camera in his hand.

"Make way, make way!" the dealmaker said as he pointed the camera at them. "I need a three-shot of the stars."

"Deuce, what are you doing?" Rocky asked.

"I'm making a documentary for my video class. No pressure, but it's half my grade, and if you guys are lame, I'm looking at summer school." The three then opened their lockers as Deuce turned his camera around to face him. "Their climb to the lofty heights of stardom is meteoric. Imagine these three young losers." As Decue continued, the three overheard him. "Pathetic, shabby, unwashed nobodies one day and local superstars the next." He then turned the camera back at them as they walked toward him. "How does it feel?"

"How does this feel?" CeCe asked as she punched Deuce in the chest, causing him to squeak like a rat.

"Or this?" Brooks asked as he turned Deuce around and yanked his underwear up before stuffing it back into his pants. "I call it the Kardashian."

"Good morning, John Hughes High," Ty said on the hall's monitor, ready to deliver the weekly announcements. "This is Ty Blue with your pre-homeroom report. First up, a special shout-out to my own sister, Rocky Blue, who was on Shake it Up, Chicago! with her unbelievably talented best friends, CeCe Jones and Brooks Finnegan."

"How much did that cost you guys?" Rocky asked her friends.

"Ten bucks," CeCe answered.

"Each," Brooks added. "But it was so worth it."

"I checked out lunch today, and, uh, it seems to be fried seahorses again," Ty continued. "Bon appétit." The three then smiled as they made their way back to their lockers when the cool kids walked up to them.

Shake iT UpOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora