Sweat it Up

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As CeCe, Rocky, and Brooks all hung out by their lockers at school, a group of nerds walked up to them.

"Hey, guys!" the lead nerd, Howard, said.

"Ruh-roh," Brooks said in his best Scooby-Doo voice. "Here comes the nerd herd, Raggy." He then cleared his throat and imitated Shaggy. "Zoinks!" Rocky then laughed as CeCe smiled. She knew how much Rocky liked his impressions. The question was did she like him? Because she knew Brooks liked Rocky, and she had to set them up. As the nerds walked up to them, Rocky stopped laughing and turned to the kid with glasses.

"Hey, Howard," the brunette greeted. "'Sup?"

"It's, uh, 27 degrees in Brazil," Howard said. "It sounds cold, but it's Celsius, so it's quite warm."

"Howard, I'd stay and chat," CeCe said, "but I never have any idea what you're talking about."

"Yeah, I get that a lot."

"Bye." With that, the redhead and blonde left as Rocky faced the only kids smarter than her.

"So, Rock-a-Roni," Howard joked, "me and the posse were hoping you'd join us in our super cool, totally sick annual co-ed laser tag tournament this Saturday. We're hoping to have a girl there this year. You could be that girl." Rocky forced out a laugh.

"Wow!" she said, trying to do some quick thinking to get out of the proposed date. "Laser tag? With you guys? That sounds so awesome I couldn't think of one reason why I wouldn't want to go to that. Ooh, I thought of one. I am going to be in the hospital. I'm having my appendix taken out."

"We could do it next week," Howard suggested.

"Oh, yes, we could," Rocky said, doing some more thinking so she could come up with an excuse and not hurt the nerd's feelings. "But, um, I'm having my other appendix taken out."

"Okay. Well, I hope you'll feel better." Howard then turned to his geeky friends. "Let's go get our study on. Motherboard, plot us a course to the library. Engage!" The nerds then marched toward the library as CeCe did her best to hold Brooks back.

"I gotta give them a wedgie!" he cried.

"You can't!" CeCe said. "You gave them one earlier this week, remember? And we've been trying to limit your wedgies to six a week!" When the nerds got out of range for Brooks, the short girl let the carnivore go as they walked up to the genius.

"So, where did you two disappear to?" Rocky asked.

"We were beamed to another planet with all the cool people," CeCe answered.

"Well, you'll be glad to know that I just narrowly avoided being branded Rock-a-Roni, Queen of the Laser Dweebs."

"Okay, Rocky, this is what happens when you get involved with the strange species known as the nerd," Brooks said. "That's why CeCe and I don't take honors classes." The short redhead nodded in agreement.

"Yeah, that's why," the vegetarian said sarcastically. Grinning like an idiot, CeCe began skipping to their next class.

In gym class, Deuce got to work on doing push-ups. On his knees like a girl.

"Martinez!" Coach Lesseur said. "Boy push-ups, son! Boy push-ups!"

"But they're harder," the con man whined. Smiling, Rocky came into the gym from the girls' locker room.

"Hey, Coach Lesseur," the vegetarian greeted.

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