Shake it Up, Up, and Away (Part 2 of 2)

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Previously on Shake iT Up

"Life is what you make of it, so you need to go out there and find some excitement. Have an adventure!"

"They're holding open auditions this weekend for a new reality show called Really? You Call That Dancing?"

"It's in LA?"

"Did I not mention that?"

"We're not sneaking off to LA."

"Wait. You tricked Brooks and me into getting on the wrong bus last night and now we're on our way to Los Angeles to audition for a reality show."

"What do you think you're doing?"

"Having an adventure!"

"I want that job!"

"Hey, hey, hey, that's no way to talk to your boss!"

"You mean you're giving me the job?"

"I think we just missed the bus."

"Let's not panic. We'll get on the next bus to LA in... three days."

At the bus station at Pepe, Rocky sat nervously before joining CeCe and Brooks at the bus schedule.

"I don't understand why there wouldn't be another bus for three days," she said.

"If you were a bus driver, would you be in a rush to come back here?" Flynn asked.

"So that's it?" Rocky asked. "We're just stuck here?"

"No," CeCe said. "Rocky, don't worry. We can still get to LA in plenty of time to audition for Really? You Call That Dancing?"

"How can we still go to LA?" Rocky asked. "The next bus is in three days. It takes two days to get to LA, and four days to get home. How many days is that, guys?"

"Uh..." Brooks said nervously. "Ha! Trick question. You know I don't do math unless I'm in class."

"And even then it's 50-50," Flynn added, which caused Brooks to look at him confused. "Which means only half the time."

"Look," the brunette said as she faced her redhead friend and blonde boyfriend, "if we're not home by the end of the week, we're gonna get in huge trouble." Sighing, Rocky walked up to the bus schedule. "All right. Okay, there's a bus to Chicago tomorrow morning and we have to be on it. I'm really sorry, CeCe."

"No, no, we can't just give up that easy," the short redhead said. "We're in Texas. We can discover oil, make a billion dollars, buy an airplane, fly to LA, and still be home on time!"


"All right, fine, it's over." The three friends all sat down in defeat.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa!" the third-grader said to his older sister and her friends. "That's it? We're just gonna hop on a bus and go home?"

"We got no choice, kid," Brooks said.

"Great," Flynn said sarcastically. "You wrecked my adventure." Walking up to a vending machine, he tried to open it to grab a snack, only for the door to get stuck. "Oh, come on!" He proceeded to kick the machine as he said, "This is not my day!" Grunting, he walked away. A little blonde girl wearing a red cowgirl hat walked up to the machine, gave it one final kick, and opened it with ease.

"Thanks, stranger," Flynn said as she handed him the cup. "I'm Flynn, from Chicago."

"Name's Bo," the girl said as she took her hat off and put it back on.

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