Glitz it Up

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On the stage of Shake it Up, Chicago! one Saturday night, Rocky, CeCe, and Brooks, all of whom were wearing Shake it Up Wild Thing jackets, were dancing on stage to a loud dance song.

We - We - We - We are all

Interconnected to

An interconnected view

Which interconnects to me here

And interconnects to you

It's all amazing tonight

The energy's coming up

It feels amazing tonight

It's all-electric

Tonight is all electric

And we are all connected

The energy is epic

Invading all our senses

But we are only starters

We got all through the cosmos

Tonight is all electric

And we are all connected

The audience applauded as all the dancers onstage finished up the number with Gary taking center stage to finish the show up.

"See you next week for more great dancing, more great music, and more great hosting from me, Gary Wilde, on... Shake it Up, Chicago!" All the dancers started applauding as the buzzer buzzed, wrapping the show up. Sharing high-fives, Brooks and the girls began walking offstage.

"Hey, you three," Gary called out to them, causing them to turn and face him, "terrific show today. Really, one of your best."

"Cut the formalities Gary," Brooks said, the blonde, brunette, and redhead knowing what was coming. "Just tell us what you want from us."

"What do you mean?"

"You only compliment us when you want us to do some funky job," CeCe explained.

"Yeah," Rocky agreed, "the last time you said something nice, we had to crawl into your air conditioning vent."

"There was a dead rat smell in there," the host explained.

"Probably because there was a dead rat in there!" the carnivore argued.

"Anyway, while I got you here..." Gary continued, only to get interrupted by Rocky.

"I knew it! Gary, if your phone fell in the toilet it is staying there."

"No, no, no. I'm hosting Chicago's Little Cutie Queen Pageant and I want you three to choreograph the show."

"I want to do it! I want to do it!" CeCe said, her tiny body jumping up and down at the mention of a beauty pageant. "Come on, Rocky. Aren't you always trying to get Brooks and me to work with disadvantaged kids?"

"How are eight-year-old beauty queens disadvantaged?" the genius asked.

"I bet some of them can't even afford the good fake nails. That breaks my heart."

"She's right," Gary agreed with the redhead. "We all need to do a little service for the community."

"Hold on," Brooks argued, "I'm sure none of you have noticed, but I'm a guy! Teaching little prissy, pink princesses how to dance is not in my vocabulary."

"I'm with Brooks," Rocky said. "And WE need to do a little community service?"

"Well, technically, I need to do a little community service," the host corrected. "I got nine speeding tickets in the Porsche. It was this or jail, and I cannot pee in front of other people." Both Gary and CeCe then gave Brooks and Rocky big puppy eyes, causing them to crack.

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