Give it Up

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In the Shake it Up, Chicago! studio, the Spotlight Dance was just bringing up their dancer.

"And now," Gary said from above on a podium "Shake it Up, Chicago! presents the Spotlight Dance of the Week. Let's hear it for the one, the only, CeCe Jones!" Dance music then started playing as CeCe made her way into the spotlight in her golden outfit. She then showed off some of her moves and a few seconds into the song, Rocky and Brooks walked onto the stage.

"Uh," CeCe said to her friends, "hit the road, buzz kills. This is a solo gig."

"CeCe," Rocky said, "you're asleep. This is a dream."

"I know," CeCe agreed. "A dream come true."

"Uh," Brooks said to CeCe, "you don't think it's weird how you were making out with Robert Pattinson before you came out here to start dancing?"

"Don't worry guys. I didn't let him bite my neck."

"Okay," Rocky said, "if this isn't a dream, then, uh, why is Gary Wilde dressed as a giant hot dog, dancing with some squeezy mustard?" She and Brooks then gestured to their left, causing CeCe to look in that direction. Sure enough, Gary wore a hot dog costume and was dancing with some woman wearing mustard. In reality, CeCe was asleep and holding her pillow close to her.

"I'm a star," she mumbled as Rocky and Brooks watched from beside her. "No, I'm a superstar."

"Wake up," Rocky whispered as CeCe muttered in her sleep. "Wake up."

"Allow me," Brooks said. He then leaned close to her ear and shouted, "WAKE UP!" waking CeCe. The redhead then turned to her friends and smiled.

"Oh, hey, guys," she said. "I was having a dream, and you two were there. And Gary Wilde was a hot dog dancing with some squeezy mustard. What do you think that's about?"

"That you shouldn't have eaten four hot dogs last night," Brooks said.

"Wow," CeCe said. "You're good." Rocky and Brooks then stood up.

"Okay, get up," Rocky said. "Get dressed. You know Mrs. Locassio from the third floor?"

"The woman who doesn't like you?" Brooks asked. Rocky just glared at him and flicked him on the forehead. "Ow."

"She does like me," Rocky said. "Everyone likes me! Anyway, I volunteered us at her Senior Center, and we're gonna perform for them this morning."

"That's why you woke me up at 7 in the morning?" Brooks asked.

"Senior Center," CeCe said. "Unless you're talking about High School seniors, I am going back to sleep." CeCe then got herself comfortable and started to snooze off while holding a large pillow in her arms. Rocky then stole the pillow and hit her with it.

"Wake up," the genius said.

"I'm up," CeCe groaned. Rocky hit her again and again and CeCe responded with the same two words as before until she couldn't take it anymore and got up. "I'm up!"

At the Senior Center, Rocky, Brooks, and CeCe were dancing as a bunch of the elderlies watched them dance.

"Isn't community service great?" Rocky asked her two best friends.

"Sure," CeCe said, "if you're trying to stay out of jail."

"I did this for my community service to get out of Juvie back when I lived in Brooklyn," Brooks said. "Long story." All the elderlies then started wiggling to the music, except for one old woman, who was Mrs. Locassio. The music then ended as the seniors applauded and the kids did their finishing pose. Rocky then walked up to Mrs. Locassio to see why she wasn't applauding or smiling.

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