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At school, Rocky sat on stage with other students for Student Awards Day as her homeroom teacher stood on the pedestal.

"All right," he said. "Now, the second place award for Scholastic Achievement goes to Rocky Blue." The audience then clapped as the vegetarian stood up, CeCe and Brooks going crazy for their best friend.

"Yeah!" the redhead shouted as the brunette received a red ribbon. "Go, Rock!"

"You da man!" Brooks shouted.

"Thank you very much," Rocky said to the audience as she showed them her red ribbon and took her seat.

"First place goes to Candy Cho," the teacher continued. The cheerleader that sat next to Rocky smiled at her before going up to receive her blue ribbon, the genius looking at her with a look beyond hate. Brooks and CeCe slowly clapped. This was the seventh time she got a blue ribbon.

"Thank you, I love you," Candy said, kissing the audience's butt. "Go Bulldogs!" She then took her seat.

"Go Bulldogs," the teacher echoed before continuing with the awards. "And now, the second place award for Physical Fitness goes to Rocky Blue." Rocky's hopeful smile then fell as the audience applauded her.

"Yeah!" Brooks shouted as he and CeCe went nuts for their best friend again. "Go, Rock!"

"You da man!" CeCe added.

"Yeah, second place again," Rocky said half-heartedly as she received her second red ribbon. "Well, whoop-de-doo."

"Indeed," the teacher said as the brunette took her seat. "Whoop-de-doo. The first place goes to Candy Cho." Candy then stood up to receive her second blue ribbon.

"I swear, she's the hottest girl to ever annoy me," Brooks muttered under his breath.

"Thank you, I love you," Candy said again. "Go Bulldogs!"

"Wow," the teacher said as Candy took her seat. "Now, our final award of the day, the coveted Community Service Award, goes to the student who has tirelessly dedicated their time to bettering our community." Both Rocky and Candy smiled knowing he was talking about her. "But first, the runner-up, Rocky Blue." Rocky's smile fell as the audience applauded.

"Go, Rocky!" CeCe shouted as she and Brooks stood up.

"Yeah!" the blonde troublemaker added as the brunette picked up her third red ribbon.

"Seriously?" the genius asked her teacher in disbelief, finally snapping. "Second place? On Thanksgiving, I cooked 300 turkeys. My hands still smell like giblets. I helped build four houses for Habitat for Humanity. They only needed two! Michelle Obama hugged me on the local news."

"That must be exciting. Thank you." The poor teacher then pushed his student back to her seat before naming the winner. "Now, the first place goes to..."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah," Rocky said, not taking this favoritism for one more second. "We get it. Candy Cho. Go Bulldogs!"

 "Rocky," Brooks said as Rocky stormed to her locker, CeCe and the blonde following, "I've never seen you this upset. What's up?" Rocky then opened her locker to answer the question, showing that it was filled with red second-place ribbons as she threw her new one in.

"You guys know why these ribbons are red?" Rocky asked. "Because red means, 'Stop! You're never going to be as good as Candy stinkin' Cho'." With an angered grunt, the genius slammed her locker shut. At that moment, Gunther and Tinka, looking self-absorbed as always, walked by.

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