Chapter Thirty-Four

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I have more than I need and nothing of what I want.

Dinah and Normani decided to throw the wedding in Miami, saying that they started their lives here, got together here, and wanted to cement it here. This was home so I understood what they were getting at. It was very romantic in all honestly. I didn't know much of what they planned since everything kind of switched up pretty fast for me. After New York things grew tense. I could tell Camila was closing herself off because something was eating up at her, and I knew I was the same. I'd begun to regret being honest.

Before she left I'd asked her that when my life clears up if she'd like to travel with me. She seemed surprised quickly asking if I wouldn't just rather use that time to rest. No matter how much I tried to say it she wouldn't believe that I'd be okay just being with her. Reluctantly she agreed to having a long call about this trip to decide what we wanted to.

It never came.

Once back in California I was met with an eager Catalina and Rachel ready to work on the Señorita music video. Both for different reasons. Catalina was glad to be home. I tried to not think too hard about her showing up at my house first before her own. I kept a mental note to try and speak to Camila about Catalina staying with us. It was obvious she came here because she most likely still doesn't consider her home safe. Even if it had twenty foot barbed wired walls with patrolling security I don't think she could live in peace there after what happened. It seemed I was the only one that wasn't expecting her to come to the house when Norminah and their fur baby happily welcomed her home. Dinah threw a big dinner for all of us to celebrate the pop star's work over seas. Then the next day we were thrown back into the hustle. The music video took a month over all to finish. The first two weeks for all the planning and rehearsing for what Catalina's choreographers thought up of a dance routine for us to do together. During the first meetings I tried to fight for us to have separate love interests but was shot down by the label who said it would just make in disingenuous. So I was adamant about there not being a kiss scene. Thankfully Catalina backed me up by playing along that us just barely inching close to each other with something overlaying that scene would drive fans rabid, and she was right. The work on the video was exhausting. Catalina found it hilarious how I wasn't use to dancing training, but seeing her so content helped pushed me through it. I hadn't even realized someone was recording all the behind the scenes since Catalina was good about keeping me grounded in our work.

Once the shooting was done and the song was out, the promoting was the next thing to take over my life. Since I was basically in a stalemate about my music with my label since we were still trying to renegotiate my contract, I was simply being flung around to help Catalina with her album promotion for Romance. If I had an album on the way we both could've had the song on our albums, but I said it was her song. I was just added my voice. We got booked to perform the little routine we were taught without the wall pinning scene at every major award show coming up. MTV Music Awards. AMAs. Katie would happily tell us we were breaking the internet with our steamy performance, but I paid it no mind. The behind the scenes video was released and that sent the fans into a frenzy seeing Catalina and I being all chummy with each others. Because we were friends, but that didn't stop people from thinking that I definitely dumped my lover for Cat.

That was six months ago.

Señorita is now one of the most streamed songs, top tending videos, and we'd been nominated for a Grammy. Catalina's album had come out months prior and while she was preparing for tour, she came home screeching about the nomination. I came running from my studio only to be trampled into a koala hug and blubbering tears. Roger and Rachel were right behind her with sparking juice to celebrate the announcement while I felt...empty. We were now Grammy nominated artists, but I wasn't as excited as everyone else.

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