CHAPTER 1: Five Years Later

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Five years have passed since the defeat of werewolf hunter Gerard, Monroe and the hunter army. For the most part, the supernatural residents of Beacon Hills have lived in peace since. There's been occasional events here and there but nothing major. A lot has changed.

Scott McCall and his pack have all graduated high school and have gone off to college. But only a few remained in Beacon Hills. Scott no longer lives in Beacon Hills nor does he protect it. He currently lives in Los Angeles helping Deaton run his animal clinic there. The true alpha has become a vet. Shocking.

Derek Hale is keeping an eye on things in Beacon Hills alongside Sheriff Stilinski as a consultant for Beacon Hills Police Department. Derek has a son now. His name is Eli. He is five years old. 

Bella Hale was getting ready to graduate high school. For once, this was something she was excited about but at the same time, she was having dreadful thoughts. She was seriously considering leaving Beacon Hills after graduation. She needed a break, to get away from this town. If anything, she wants to forge her own path, find out who she is as a person. The problem is that Peter doesn't know that she's considering this.

Bella knows that her father would be totally against her leaving, despite the fact that she is grown up now and can make her own choices. After all that's happened and after all these years, Peter is still very protective over her.

No one but Lydia Martin knows that Bella has been conversing with the werewolves of London, Jackson Whitmore and Ethan Steiner. Lydia is the one who got them connected. They have been communicating by email. Bella is considering leaving the country to avoid being lured back to Beacon Hills and wants to know what the supernatural world of Europe was like.

"It's no Beacon Hills, that's for sure." Jackson told her "Definitely a lot quieter. The city is noisy but supernatural wise, quiet. Unless you go to certain places across the country, you should be fine. Other than those hunters finding us five years ago, we never had a problem living here in London. No monsters or werewolves or Kanimas unless you find them."

This pleases Bella.

Graduation was upon her and Bella could not be more excited. Her high school years were surprisingly great.

Five years ago when Bella first went back to school to finish Beacon Hills junior high school, she became a completely different person. More confident. She wasn't afraid anymore. Of course, she wasn't surprised to see that her old school bullies didn't forget about her and continued to taunt her. Bella happily ignored them and made snarky comments back at them as she was able to defend herself this time around.

The cover story for Bella's absence was a fun one to come up with. Bella and Peter came up with the fact that Peter woke up from his coma and had to be transferred to another facility outside of Beacon Hills so the family moved away.

But of course, the relentless bullies didn't believe Bella when she said that her father had woken up and was convinced that Peter had died and that's why she got up and left.

"He dropped dead to get away from you." the bully, Jessica James said

This enraged Bella to the point where she decided to punch the bully right in the face "Don't you ever say that about my dad!"

The two girls ended up having a cat fight and left some nasty marks on Jessica. Of course, Bella didn't have a mark on her. .

This got attention around the school and Bella had gotten into trouble for fighting. The school had called Peter and he was forced to come down. When he got there, he saw his daughter sitting down.

"What happened?" Peter asked

"My old school bullies came back to taunt me. Said some stuff about you so I threw several punches"

Bella Hale: An American Werewolf in London-A Teen Wolf FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now