CHAPTER 2: London Bound

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A few weeks after graduation, after Peter leaves for the day, Bella quickly gets moving. Now was the time. She grabs the empty duffle bags in her closet for travel and begins packing her clothes. She would've packed sooner but she didn't want to risk Peter noticing. She fills the second bag with her shoes and more clothes because once she leaves here, she is not coming back for a while. The final bag is for books and paperwork, and entertainment for the trip, lighter than the rest.

Bella was beyond petrified. She's never left home on her own nor has she ever left the country! But she knew this was the right thing to do for her. Bella knew that Peter wouldn't be thrilled about this which is why she chose to leave without saying goodbye. Peter would've done anything to stop her from leaving home. Instead of properly saying goodbye, she would leave a letter explaining things. Bella had hoped that Peter would understand this. She truly did. Even if there is a strong chance of Peter going after her. It would be a long search since she won't be mentioning where she is going.

She looked back to the conversation she had with Peter weeks prior when Peter had sensed that something was off.

"Is something wrong?" Peter asked her.

With only a little bit of regret she pushes it over into the darkness. "No, I'm fine."

"Hey, it's me you're talking to." Peter looks at her "Something's troubling you."

"I'm just tired, that's all." Bella replied plainly "I have a lot going on in my mind right now."

"Like what?" Peter questions "If you are thinking about going to college, you probably shouldn't have to worry about it. You don't need to go. No reason to."

Bella took this as a further opportunity to flat out lie to Peter "Yeah. That's exactly what's on my mind."

"You do realize that you probably won't get in anywhere until spring or next year at least, right?"

Bella rolled her eyes "Tell me about it. It was never on my mind before."

"And now?"

Bella looked up at Peter and shrugged "I see this as a possible opportunity for myself. Don't get me wrong, I know we have money to keep us happy for the rest of our lives. But money cannot buy happiness."

Peter snorts "When did you become so wise?"

Bella smirked, "Definitely not from my father."

"Hey! I should have at least impart some wisdom to you."

"That you did."

The college topic went on for some time, originally making it the perfect cover for the reason she's leaving. Bella decided that one day,she would pretend that she was going on a tour of a school but of course, that failed when Peter insisted on going with her and she wasted time touring someplace she's not even going to go to.

Days went on as she tried to develop a new plan to leave. Peter said he was running out for the day, which gave Bella the opportunity. She acted as if everything was normal.

Grabbing her things she retreats to the taxi that was waiting for her.

"Airport, please." Bella  announces once she's inside. When driving away, Bella looked out the window as she watched her apartment turn away from view. Her eyes welled up as she got further away from her home to the city limits of Beacon Hills. It ached her so much that she was leaving, without so much as saying goodbye to Peter.

She keeps silent the whole ride to the airport, unsure of what to say, or how she'd say it if she did know. Something in her tells her to wait, that soon she'll have enough time.

Bella Hale: An American Werewolf in London-A Teen Wolf FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now