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As soon as Derek told her to go find the youngest Hale, Anna dashed the broken staircase carefully and called out Bella's name. The sound of things breaking were heard from above, coming from the tower. This whole place was like a house of horrors. Parts of it were intact, others had crumbled.

Anna climbed up the spiral staircase, careful of where she stepped. She gasped when she tripped on a broken step and held onto the railing for support.

Anna finally made it up the steps, at the top of the tower, to see Bella and an unknown woman fighting. Bella was immediately distracted by Anna's presence as the woman swiped a blade across Bella's chest, leaving deep gashes, soaking Bella in blood. Bella growled and pushed her, making the woman retreat a few steps.

"What the hell are you doing here?!" Bella demanded

"It's a trap!" Anna yelled as she advanced on the woman and the woman narrowed her eyes on both of them. She looked behind to see the crumbled wall that led to the courtyard below.

"What's a trap?"

"This! There were bodies at the other locations. There's bodies here too!"

The woman just smirked. "Surprise!"

Bella growled, taking a step towards her. "What do you want?!"

"I want you dead." Right then, she attacked Bella, holding her down to the ground.

Anna made a move to help the other wolf but the woman looked right at Anna with dead eyes and let out a wail. A Banshee wail! The vibration was strong enough to throw Anna across the room, knocking her down. The horrific sound pierced Bella's ears that she lost her hearing in the moment.

This woman was the Banshee they were looking for.

Bella managed to punch the woman but the sudden movement made her head spin. Her werewolf strength couldn't help her now. Whatever the Banshee's wail did had done a great number to her ears, probably the inside of her head, rupturing the ear drums. Blood poured from her ears. Bella could see the woman's lips moving but the sounds were muffled.

"I will kill you just like I killed them!" the woman shrieked. She lifted her hand and dove the blade directly into Bella's stomach.

And just then, the woman was pulled off her. Bella gasped as she saw who was fighting the woman. Her father. Derek came up from behind Bella and scooped her up. Derek took the knife out from her stomach and was talking but she couldn't hear him. At the same time, she wasn't looking at her cousin. She was watching her father fight with the Banshee.

Peter snarled and slashed at the woman. "Don't you ever lay a hand on her!"

The woman took a step back but grabbed Peter's shirt. "You will all die!"

Peter snarled and swiped at the woman again.

Bella gasped as she saw what was about to happen. Everything was frozen inside of her. It was like a bomb going off.

Peter and the woman fell over the edge

"Dad!!!!!!!!" Bella screamed, startled by how quickly her hearing came back.

Bella's heart stopped. Derek's eyes widened in shock. With all of her remaining strength, she crawled to the edge, finding it strange that her vision was blurry. Bella looked down, her chest cold, dreading the time for when she saw Peter's body below.

There was indeed a body below on the balcony beneath them. One was indeed dead. The other lay flat on their back, groaning. Peter was the one groaning.

Bella blinked and then gasped.

Bella Hale: An American Werewolf in London-A Teen Wolf FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now