CHAPTER 26: No Funny Business

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Bella knew that if she called Peter asking questions about their world, he would know something was wrong so she was working to avoid that for now. The last thing she wanted was to worry her father. Again.

Unfortunately, Bella had guests in her home that she wasn't planning on having. They only showed up after Luke did. The Denbeigh pack made themselves at home, awkwardly of course. She couldn't exactly send them on their way, especially when a possible dangerous enemy is near and could come her way like with the dead Alpha.

She had unwillingly opened her home to David, Luke, Elenor, Anna and Malcolm. Ethan and Jackson were already welcomed there. She could tolerate them both. The others, not so much. Bella's cottage had never been this full of people before and it made her nervous. It made her more nervous that her home was filled with people she barely knew and they were using her place as a base of sorts until they could figure out the next move and find out more about the Rogue Alpha Pack.

Days went on and this was irritating Bella. The pack had been attempting to track down the Rogues for years and got nowhere. They still weren't anywhere close to finding them. Where she fits into all this, Bella did not know. It infuriates her that she can't seem to escape the dangers of the supernatural world. Trouble will always find her no matter what.

But, there was one thing Bella was avoiding like the plague. She had been avoiding Luke. Ever since the whole Soulmates reveal, Bella stayed as far away from him as possible. She had no interest. She did not want to get to know him, despite the pull she continues to feel. Sure, she was grateful to Luke for saving her but under no circumstances was she looking to form any form of physical, intimate relationship. Especially one who is considered a soulmate, to be bound to one person forever. It's not how she wanted things to happen for her, if she had indeed found love. All of this scares her. And that pull...why was she being pulled towards him?

After several days, the pack left. In which Bella was relieved.

A week after the pack left, Bella laid in bed. It was a clear night and the sounds of the waves crashing were peaceful. By two in the morning, Bella's eyes snapped open, her senses warning her that someone was near. She bolts upright, gets out of bed and slips downstairs like a shadow, completely silent.

She could see the silhouette of the person through the back door's windows. The door creaks open and with a silent deep breath in, Bella bolts forward, ready to swing her claws. Suddenly, a scent hits her and she freezes in surprise. Her steel blue eyes locked with dark ones. Bella was ready to unleash her anger as the figure in front of her tilted his head.

"What the fuck do you think you're doing?!" Bella demanded.

Luke steps inside, glancing around the darkness. Annoyed, she turned and began to move away.

"Wait, can we talk?" Luke pleaded

"There's nothing to talk about." Bella argued

"Please." Luke said as he attempts to grab Bella by the shoulder

Bella, not wanting to be touched, grabbed Luke by the wrist and squeezed, feeling pain in her own wrist.

"Touch me again and you'll lose the arm." she growled in a threatening tone.

Luke nodded as he hissed in pain. "I'm sorry."

Bella said nothing as she glared down at Luke

"What the hell are you doing here a two in the fucking morning?!" Bella asked, her tone icy.

"I needed to see you" He answered

Bella rolled her eyes before walking away again.

"You can't avoid this forever!" Luke called out

Bella Hale: An American Werewolf in London-A Teen Wolf FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now