CHAPTER 30: More Than A Feeling

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The feelings towards Luke have now become intense. It felt like a crush.

Bella woke up early one morning, recalling the dream she had. Was it a dream or a premonition? She hadn't seen visions of the future in ages. Bella doesn't have any control of that ability. It just comes and goes as it pleases.

She knew she had to step outside. It was still dark out in the middle of December. The air was cold and drizzles of rain and flurries fell from the sky. Bella had the sense to be out there but she did not know why.

After a moment, she caught a scent. Bella looked up and saw glowing red eyes, staring at her. She jumped back and unleashed her claws. The cold air was making her slightly shiver.

"It's alright, darling. I'm not going to hurt you." the voice said. Bella instantly recognized the voice.

"What are you doing here?" Bella sighed

"I just wanted to see you." Luke said as the moon lit up his face. His dark eyes looked directly at Bella. She couldn't resist the urge to stare. She was mesmerized.


Luke smirked, "I dunno."

"Yes you do." Bella said as she suddenly moved closer.

Luke let out a deep breath "I can't help it."

"Does being possessive over your mate come even if you don't know them that well?" Bella questioned "Do you...have all these feelings for someone you don't know."

"That's what I'm told. Why?"

"Well..." Bella paused, her cheeks flushed.

"You have feelings for me, don't you?" Luke smiled

Bella looked down in embarrassment, afraid of what to say next.

"I feel the same." Luke jumped in, causing Bella to look right at him.

"And how do you feel?" Bella asked looking into his eyes

"I feel alive." Luke replied "Every time I think of you, you make me happy."

"I make you happy?"

"Yes." Luke whispered, moving in closer. "You make me happy just by looking at you. Thinking about you. The thought of the curls in your brown hair. Your steel blue eyes. Seeing your face. It's like nothing else matters in the world. When I lose control over my anger, the one thing that calms me down is the thought of you."

Bella looked up at Luke in surprise as he was moving in closer towards her "I'm your anchor?"

Luke slightly nods "I wish I could protect you at all times. But I don't even know if I can, even if I wanted to. I care too much for you."

Bella remained quiet as she watched Luke. He smirked at her. She blushed as her heart raced.

Bella was stumbling to find the right words "Um...I..."

Luke chuckled softly at her fast heart rate and stuttering words. He could feel his own heart beating fast.  He walked over to her, now standing in front of Bella with a finger under her chin, making her look at him.

Luke could tell that she was trying to keep her eyes on his face, nowhere else

"See something you like, darling?" He asked her as he leaned in

"N-no. Maybe. Y-yes." Bella stuttered as he leaned in. She felt herself leaning in as she stayed focus on his face.

Luke chuckled softly as he continued to lean in. "I've been wanting to do this properly for a long time." He told her as he kissed her gently, yet passionately on the lips "Do you trust me?"

"I do." Bella trusted him more than anything. She barely knew Luke but yet, she trusted him.

Luke kissed Bella once more and Bella allowed it as she kissed him right back. His arms wrapped tighter around her waist and he lifted her up slightly, pushing their lips a little harder together. Luke let his arms fall back down and set Bella down. He brought one hand up and placed it on her cheek moving his lips and putting her bottom list between his. Bella's hand slid from his cheek to the back of Luke's head. Luke pulled his head up abd exhaled long and hard.

"Wow." he whispered

"Took the words right out of my mouth," Bella joked. She could feel her heart running wild and knew that Luke's matched. He smiled and kissed her lips again. "Better than the first time you kissed me." Bella said quietly but she knew he heard her because Luke smiled before kissing her temple, then her lips again, letting his lips linger.Luke moved his hands back down to her waist and then continued to glide and stop at the back of Bella's upper thighs. He tightened his grip and lifted her up effortlessly. Bella wrapped her legs around his waists and tightened her arms around his neck. Luke continued to kiss her softly.

Luke carried Bella back inside her house, gently sucking on her bottom lip before setting her down on the couch. As he pulled his mouth away from hers, taking her lip with him as far as it would go, Bella exhaled loudly. She was turned on, even though she hadn't been in a relationship before. She never felt like this. The excitement, the spark. Luke stood over her as he placed his hands on her cheeks and lifted her chin so that he could look into Bella's eyes. Luke smiled. His eyes were glistening.

He laid down next to her on the couch and slid his hands under hers, lacing their fingers together. Luke brought Bella's hand to his mouth and kissed it before laying their hands together in his lap. "Well, I think we did good to take it slow as we did. There was a lot of tension between us..." he said with a cocky tone

"No denying that." Bella smirked. Things were getting heated for the both of them right there and then. She rested her head on his shoulder "So what is this? Where do we stand?"

Luke was silent for a moment "Dunno. It's pretty foreign to me. I do know that I haven't felt this way before. I don't want to lose this. I want you to know that I will always be there for you. We're bound to one another forever. It won't change. So, if you like, I wouldn't be opposed to you and I being boyfriend and girlfriend."

The way he said that last part sounded so confident that Bella couldn't say no. "And what if I just wanted to keep it casual?" Bella asked, trying not to laugh

"Oh, yeah?!" He said, before pinning her down on the couch and ticking her.

"Kidding!" Bella screamed as she tried to wiggle out from under him

"Say it!" He told her as he continued to tickle her "Say you want me."

"I do!" Bella laughed before pausing, realizing what she just said "I do."

Luke stopped ticking her but stayed on top of Bella, pinning her down still. He just looked into her eyes and smiled

"I can't explain it but yes, I do want you." Bella placed a hand on his chin and smiled. She slid her hand from his cheek to the back of his neck and pulled his face close to hers, pulling his mouth to hers. They kissed, hard. Luke pulled away quickly and turned his face so she couldn't see him

"Luke?" Bella said, putting her hand on the cheek facing away from her. SHe pulled his face to look at her. He was resistant at first but he let her hand guide him to look at her. His eyes were bright red. Glowing and they were beautiful. Bella let her hand fall from his cheek and grabbed his hand "Look." Bella said as she placed his hand over her racing heart "My heart is beating just as fast. It's okay."

Luke took a deep breath and shut his eyes. When he opened them, they were back to their normal, dark color. He gave Bella a quick peck before rolling off her. He laid on his back and wiped his face with his hands before sitting up. Bella rolled over on her side to face him. "I know that you know, we are still going to have to be taking this slow. For both of us." Bella chuckled "What's going on now is more than just a feeling we have.'s becoming something else."

Luke looked at Bella and smiled as he nodded his head. "So...what are we now in terms of our soulmate brand?"

Bella sighed "Well, we just jumped from barely knowing each other to having a very heated makeout session, I'd say we are in some form of a relationship."

Luke chucked "So...we're dating?"

"We're dating." Bella confirmed

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