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Once Bella settled in after a few weeks, Jackson and Ethan were talking about having her meet some of the other supernaturals of Europe that they had met. She didn't think it was a good idea at the time as she's only just arrived.

"Guys, I just got here." she said "I'm not about to go looking for a pack."

"You don't need to join them." Ethan said "But it would be nice for you to get to know some of the locals. The ones that have been here a long time. You could learn a thing or two. You could see that things are not like what they are in Beacon Hills."

"Maybe." Bella sighed "But I'm not here to make friends. I'm here for a fresh start."

"And what's life without a few friends?"

"Maybe. I've gone my whole life without friends and I certainly don't need any now."

"So you say." Jackson joked

Bella rolled her eyes "I'm an omega. A lone wolf. It's what I've always been."

"And whose fault is that?" Jackson smirked

"So you're saying it's my fault?"

"Well, yea!"

"Jackson, enough," Ethan warned him.

"What? It's just a joke."

"Well, I don't find it funny. Bella is our guest. Treat her with respect."

"Why, thank you, Ethan." Bella said sarcastically "You just proved that I can't fight my own battles."

"I'm sorry but what Jackson said was rude."

"So what? While I appreciate you stepping in, I had it covered." Bella said as she turned back to Jackson" And for the record, Jackson, I don't have friends. I have acquaintances. The only people in my life that I remain close to are what's left of my family but they're not here right now. It's just you, me and Ethan in this room. That's all we are, acquaintances."

"And yet you flew halfway around the world, to stay with acquaintances no less, to start fresh." Ethan argued

"So I did. Only because I don't know anyone else in Europe. Perhaps down the road, we could become more than just acquaintances but right now, I don't need friends. I'm here for myself only. Maybe someday but not now."

Jackson smirked, "So you say."

"Shut up, Jackson." Ethan glared

"Look, I will go, meet some people, and that's it. Obviously, Europe is nothing like Beacon Hills and it would seem that I have a lot to learn. Where are we meeting these friends of yours?" Bella asked out of curiosity

"In Scotland." Ethan replied


"Relax. If we take the train from London to Edinburgh, we'll be there in about four hours. Not a bad trip."

"Well, in that case, when do we leave?"

A few days had passed. Bella, Ethan and Jackson were in Ireland, making several trips along the way before they reached Edinburgh. Bella gasped at the beautiful sight in front of her. They were at the Cliffs of Moher. Bella was right on the edge of one of the cliffs and the wind was blowing tremendously.

"The view is just as beautiful as my cliffside back at home." Bella gasped

"Why don't you get off that edge?" Ethan suggested "You can't fly, you know?"

Bella grinned "Come on, take a picture for me."

Ethan rolled his eyes as Jackson laughed and took a photo. They were acting like a tourist group touring the area. They had lots of pictures taken.

Bella Hale: An American Werewolf in London-A Teen Wolf FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now