CHAPTER 22: Storm on the Horizon

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Three years have passed since then. Things have been perfectly quiet for Bella's liking. Per agreement, Bella had allowed her father to visit her but on her own terms. She still hasn't been back to Beacon Hills, much to Peter's annoyance. It wasn't easy but the both of them made it work in their own ways.

But after three years of peace and quiet, something else was brewing once more. And it started with a nightmare. And the feeling of being pulled again. Bella still felt the pull coming in on and off. She couldn't explain why she was feeling a pull

Bella was in the forest. The sun was setting and the full moon was rising. The forest was full of life, all the little creatures enjoying the momentary dryness.The sense of unease grew stronger the deeper Bella got into the trees.The rhythm of her footsteps started to numb her mind and pain as she trudged on.

Bella didn't realize quite how much more efficiently she was moving. She thought she had covered maybe four miles, and wasn't even starting to look around for it yet. And then, with an abruptness that disoriented her, Bella stepped through a low arch made by two vine maples—pushing past the chest-high ferns—into the meadow. The very one she had dreamt three nights earlier.

Somehow, though, even with the birds chirping and cawing, the insects buzzing noisily around my head, and the occasional scurry of the field mice through the shrubs, the forest seemed creepier today; it reminded me of Bella of her most recent nightmare.

It was the same place, of that she was instantly sure. Bella had never seen another clearing so symmetrical. It was as perfectly round as if someone had intentionally created the flawless circle, tearing out the trees but leaving no evidence of that violence in the waving grass.

It was the same place... but it didn't hold what she had been searching for. What was the point of going any farther? Nothing lingered here. Bella wasn't exactly sure what she hoped to feel here, but the meadow was empty of atmosphere, empty of everything, just like everywhere else. Just like her nightmares.

Bella quickly became aware that this was not the same dream as usual. For one thing, she felt no compulsion to wander or to search. She was merely wandering out of habit, because that was what was usually expected of her here. Actually, this wasn't even the same forest. The smell was different, and the light, too. It smelled, not like the damp earth of the woods, but like the brine of the ocean. Bella couldn't see the sky; still, it seemed like the sun must be fading—the leaves above were dark green.

This was the forest near the beach, she was sure of it. Bella knew that if she found the beach, she would be able to see the sun setting, so she hurried forward, following the faint sound of waves in the distance.

At precisely that moment through her narrowed eyes, her senses heightened and she whipped her head abruptly to the left.. Her eyes scanned the meadow, searching for the interruption to her deep thoughts.

Then she saw it; a huge black shape eased out of the trees, quiet as a shadow, and stalked deliberately. It was enormous—as tall as a horse, but thicker, much more muscular. A grisly snarl rolled out from between the teeth, rumbling across the clearing like a prolonged crack of thunder.

Bella stared at the monstrous creature, her mind boggling as it was familiar to her. It was the same shape she saw in her nightmare. Bella could only think of one possibility. Yet she'd never imagined to see one like this ever again. It had been almost a decade since Bella had last seen one much like this.

This was much much larger and like her father's form from when he became an Alpha all those years ago. A deformed werewolf.

Another growl rumbled in its throat, and Bella shuddered away from the sound. But she wasn't afraid. Startled but not afraid. Staring right at the creature, she let herself shift, claws and teeth extended.

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