CHAPTER 11: Possession

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Bella, out of fear, quickly runs outside to get a head start with Peter following suit.

"Are you insane?!" Derek cried as he attempted to hold Peter back to stop him from doing something crazy. "Is this more important than the life of your daughter?!"

Peter growls as he ignores Derek, tossing him aside and Bella begins to circle around her father on the sandy beach.

"Why are you doing this?" Bella tearfully asked

"I would do anything to get you home." Peter darkly said

"Even if it means risking both of our lives?"

Peter scoffed, "I won't be going down easy, kiddo."

"Neither will I." Bella said as she unleashed her claws

"Now you're being dramatic."

"What happened to you?" Bella shook her head as a tear slid down her face.

"Things have changed, sweetheart."

"For your own personal gain, no less."

"Can you blame me for wanting to protect my own daughter?!" Peter yelled

"Is this protecting me?! You are becoming feral!" she cried as she took a step forward. The rage she was feeling...she tried not to get lost in it. Bella looked at her father with gritted teeth. "You're gonna regret this."

"Am I?"

Derek was watching the two of them, refraining from saying anything else, looking at them with worried eyes. It was enough smelling the shock that was coming from her. Her anger and sadness and confusion. Derek looked over towards Peter. Something's changed. Something was wrong. This wasn't Peter. He never would have done anything to harm her. Peter looked as if he were rabid.

Bella felt her power sliding over her. She had this urge to defend herself at all cost. Something was wrong with her father and she had to stop him. The general behavior alone was enough to scare her. The possessiveness. The Peter Hale she knew wouldn't dare attempt to hurt her. Bella knew that he was already crazy in his own way but not like this.

This wasn't the father who loved her, cared for her. The father who saved her more times than she could count and risked his own life for her. The father that made many promises and broke most of them. This wasn't the father who would die for her. No, this looked like someone who wanted to kill her.

"You're not gonna kill me."

"Now why would I kill you?" Peter questioned with piercing eyes.

"Because you look like you are about to."

Peter smirked, "Far from it."

"You never wanted to hurt me before. Why now?"

Peter groaned in frustration "I told you, sweetheart. I don't want to hurt you."

"Then why are we here? Why are we doing this?"

"Were you not listening?" Peter replied "I want you to come home."

"Yeah? Well I told you, I don't want to go home. This isn't the way to do it. Maybe I don't want to go home because I am already home."

Peter scoffed, "This isn't your home."

"I'm going to make it my home! A far better one than before. Where I am now is nothing compared to the likes of Beacon Hills!"

"So you felt you had no home with your family?"

"Damn you!" Bella cried "I had no problems with our family! You are just twisting my words! Beacon Hills will never be a home as long as someone keeps trying to kill me there!"

Bella Hale: An American Werewolf in London-A Teen Wolf FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now