CHAPTER 28: The Comfort of Others

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Bella woke up early. The sun was barely peeking through the curtains. It took her a moment to realize that she had arms wrapped around her. She looked up and saw that Luke was holding her, his face snuggled into her neck and her back against his chest. Bella's eyes widened as she turned over, facing Luke. He continued to sleep. Bella moved to sit up when Luke rolled onto his back. Bella stayed motionless, afraid that he would wake. Luke didn't wake and he let out a soft snore.

What had happened last night? Bella remembered having a nightmare and a pair of arms wrapped around her but nothing after that. Why was Luke with her? Suddenly, she remembered being comforted at some point during the night.

Did Luke come in all because of a nightmare? Bella asked herself. Why would he comfort me?

Bella looked back at all the times she had nightmares and was comforted by her cousin Laura before she was killed and when she was comforted by her father. What Luke did was similar. Was being comforted by someone all the same? Bella should be glad Luke was able to comfort her but she did tell him no funny business and now they slept in the same bed together overnight, despite being comforted after a nightmare.

This made her blush as she laid back down, accidentally drifting back into a light sleep. Bella later woke to the feeling of lips pressed against her forehead. She looked up and saw Luke

"Good morning, sleeping beauty. Are you feeling better?" Luke asked with a light smile

Bella slowly sat up, locking eyes with Luke. "Why?"

Luke looked at her with a confused expression

"Why did you come in here all because of a nightmare?" Bella questioned

Luke sighed "You were suffering. I couldn't stand to see you suffer."

"It was just a nightmare."

"Seemed like it was a lot more to me."

Luke was right about that. Bella did suffer through a horrific nightmare, the same ones she's been having for years. She still dreams about the fire, losing her whole family, losing Peter a few times, etc.

Bella sighed, "I don't want to talk about it."

Luke didn't argue. "Right. I'm going to make some coffee. Would you like some?" He asked as he got out of bed. His flannel pajama bottoms fell a little too low as he stretched his arms. This was the first time Bella had noticed that Luke wasn't wearing a shirt and she couldn't help but look. Luke caught her staring and smiled, asking once more "Coffee?"

"Y..yeah. Sure." Bella stuttered in embarrassment. "Um...I'm just gonna shower and I'll be right down."

Bella got up from the bed. Her shirt got caught on the bed and rose a little too high, making Luke stare. Bella quickly smoothed her shirt down as she stood the rest of the way up from the bed. Luke turned, hiding what his flannel pants wouldn't conceal. Bella tried to contain a chuckle as she went into the bathroom.

Bella stepped under the steamy water. She was so nervous. She also knew that Luke wouldn't do anything. If anything, he's been a gentleman but still irritating. It was nerve wracking to her. But she was curious as well. She brushed the thoughts away as she quickly showered and got dressed. The smell of coffee and bacon and eggs wafted from the kitchen. Bella went downstairs to the kitchen where Luke stood in front of the stove, watching a pan of bacon fry. He was still in his flannel pants but added a black shirt. There were two mugs of coffee placed on the table. There was a stack of waffles plated in the middle of the table as well, with butter and syrup close by.

"How long was I in the shower?" Bella questioned in surprise, unaware that she said that out loud.

Luke turned towards her but then quickly turned back to the bacon "I thought you might like a nice breakfast."

Luke glanced up before continuing "The bacon's almost done. Take a seat."

"Didn't you make bacon yesterday?" Bella asked with a raised brow

"Hey, I like my bacon!" Luke smirked as he placed the bacon on a plate and joined Bella at the table.

The two of them sat in silence. Bella was screaming internally. What was happening to her? She's never like this. Derek has on more than one occasion called Bella her father's daughter but now, she is nowhere even remotely close to being like Peter. She and Peter shared so many traits which made Peter proud. They were both intelligent, can adapt to reading people. Despite their selfish natures, both Peter and Bella genuinely care for their remaining family. And of course, the one thing they relate to the most: they both had problems with anger. Not only do they act alike but they even look so alike as well with brown hair, blue eyes, and lightly tanned skin.

She's becoming like something else. She had her own personality of course but most of the time, she reminded everyone like Peter. Now, she's different. Bella should've realized that she was changing in the three years she's been in Europe and now she's changing even more.

Have I really changed? Bella wondered

Bella looked towards Luke, who was devouring his breakfast, unsure of what to do now.

"Are you leaving anytime soon?" Bella asked hesitantly

"Depends." Luke responded, looking back at her "Do you want me to leave?"

"Yes." Bella said immediately with no hesitation. She really wanted to be left alone.

Luke listened to her. Part of Bella was lying but she was partially telling the truth. It had to be the mate thing that wanted Luke to stay. But Luke already knew that he overstayed his welcome at the cottage. He was disappointed that he had to go. "When can I see you again?"

Bella shrugged "I don't know. There's a lot to think about."

Luke nods in understanding. He ached to stay with Bella but knew that he had to keep some distance. This whole soulmate thing was a mess to think about. Both Luke and Bella had all these obsessive feelings towards one another. One day they went from casual acquaintances to soulmates. They had only met once prior to the event and the meeting was tense to say the lease. From the minute their hands touched, their whole worlds changed.

Bella had her lone wolf life to think about while Luke had to deal with being a new Alpha. Neither of them lived close to one another so the distance Bella would be thrilled with. She didn't really enjoy the company of others.

Her head was willing to believe Luke would not harm her, that he was different from the other werewolves she knew. But her body had been taught to fear the males of her species. The more dominant the werewolves were, the more likely they were to hurt her. And there was no more dominant wolf anywhere than Luke Denbeigh, no matter how harmless he might seem.

"I won't let anything happen to you," he said without looking at her.

She could smell her own fear-so of course he could smell it, too.

"I know," she managed to say, hating herself for allowing them to turn her into a coward. She hoped that he thought it was fear at the idea of facing the whole soulmates surprise together. She didn't want him to know she was scared, too. Or even mostly.

Luke finished his breakfast and cleared the table. "I'll just gather my things and be on my way."

Bella silently nodded and watched as Luke left the cottage, dreading everything that was happening. Luke took one last look at Bella before walking out the door, not knowing when either of them will see each other again but they will always be able to sense each other.

Bella Hale: An American Werewolf in London-A Teen Wolf FanfictionDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora